Part 3 : Good reflexes

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PETER'S POV/// I almost kicked Ned. How this dude can be that heedless ? Fortunately for him, y/n didn't ask about what Ned almost said, the teacher pointed at her to turn back "for the umpteenth time". I couldn't believe she was there. Next to me. I feel like I could go back 7 years ago. The last time I saw her. She had to move on in Bronx. We were so sad and disappointed. But it was the best thing for her. Our hearts teared apart, I remember the very last time my eyes saw her. Behind the window of the car, moving away more and more. She was smiling. She always smiles. Even when things seems all down. I don't know how she does this. Put on this "mask". While all broke down 2 weeks ago. So, she was waving me, slowly. We were calling with the phone everynight, in secret. Her father did not longer accept that we talk. Simply because I was a part of her "life before". What he wanted to erase, at all costs. We stayed in touch for 1 or 2 years. And then, one day, she didn't replied to my usual "hey chick, how are you?". She didn't replied to all my messages. To all my calls. She didn't replied. Or she wouldn't. Maybe she really wanted to erase me from her life....

"Hey, Penis Parker ! Do I have something stuck on my face ?". Great. While I was in my minds, my eyes stayed fixed on Flash. I ignored him, and started to write what was on the board. "I think I spoke to you, stupi-" "Can't you turn you back and write ? It might be complicated for a being devoid of brain, but leave him alone!" a voice retorted right next to me. I looked at y/n, wide opened eyes. Wow. I completely forget how brazenness she is.

"Wait, are you talking to me ? don't you da-" "yes I am, is that a problem ?" she retorted again. The teacher looked at Flash who was turned towards us, and yelled at him to turn back. Flash glared at y/n, and then turned back, to be faced to the board. Inside me, I was simmering. Suddenly, the bell rang and we all went out of class. I saw Flash, and thumped him in the shoulder as I passed next to him. So did y/n. "You're still as stubborn as the last time we saw each other, huh?" I said. She turned back to me, smiling. "And you're still as reserved and shy as before, Parker" She replied, teasing. Ned suddenly popped up next to me. "Oh so you've always been like that ? Interesting..." he laughed at me with y/n. I hurried and stopped at my locker, then opened it. The two joined me, still laughing. "Tell me when you guys would be done, okay ?" I said, kind of bored. "C'mon Pete, we're joking" Ned replied, "...maybe you changed haha", y/n laughed even more. Flustered, I couldn't hold out anymore. "Of course, you knew me before..." I snapped my locker and turned to face her, eyes to eyes "...but maybe that after 5 years of absence, you can't say that you know me now !" I hurled at her. Then I faced to Ned "As for you, you didn't know me before, so you can't know!". They both stayed silent, their smiles fading from their lips. I slowly stepped back, realising what I just said. "I...I-I'm sorry, I..." I stammered. My eyes went from Ned to y/n, then from y/n to Ned. Then they stopped to y/n. She had watery eyes. Looking down. Ned gave me a weak smile, but y/n was...troubled. How could've said that to her, after all she endured ? Why did I let my anger overwhelm me ? "Y-y/n, I'm sor-" I started, when someone suddenly leapt up between her and Ned, making them jumping. "Heyy y/n !! I'm back ! so how was your first class ?!" Stacy shouted. I saw y/n wiping her eyes before turning face to her "fantastic" friend. "..Uh, great I guess, and you ?" she said, avoiding eye contact with me. "It was so fun !! And the teacher is sooo cute.." Stacy answered, giving a wink to y/n. "Well, tell me! how did you find it ! interesting? annoying...? wasn't it too boring with the others ?" Stacy continued. I clenched my fist. Y/n was still looking down. "Hey girl, are you okay ?" Stacy finally asked. I cleared my throat to make her understand that I asked myself the same question."Y-yeah..I'm okay, don't worry" she replied, taking a look at me as if she was answering me too. Stacy grabbed y/n by the shoulder. "Okay, we need to talk about all your last adventures!" she said, taking y/n with her while walking. She was moving away more and more. Again. As they were walking in the corridor, I saw y/n who turned her head toward me questioningly, as if to know when we'll see each other again. I made her a sign "after class". She barely had time to smile at me as Stacy stood in front of her, so as to hide me from her field of vision. No matter, they disappeared into the crowd of students.

Y/N POV /// So it would be after class. Great. I need explanations of what he said. Does that means he's mad at me ? Well we finally met again, and so much memories were coming back to the point. Oh...maybe that's why he's so...weird right now. He doesn't understand why we didn't stay in touch for 5 years. Because yeah, we left each others 7 years ago, but we stayed in touch for 1 or 2 years...and then nothing. Is this that he blames me for ? Because I could too ! He didn't send me any others messages, so...I believed he was done with all of that. With me. Suddenly, a hand snapped fingers right in front of my face. "Y/n ?! are you listening me or do I talk to a wall ?" Stacy said, waving her hand in front of my eyes. "Y-yeah, I'm here. What were you talking about yet ?" Stacy sighed and rolled her eyes. "Okay y/n, what's going on ? you're completely sounded or ? tell me what this dor-...uh, what Peter said to you". I felt like I could trust her. But something inside me was telling the opposite. Why ? she's my best friend. " Nothing important, except that...I...missed him." I lied. Well it wasn't a real lie, but whatever. " Oh really ? well I missed you too !" She replied, hugging me. We were now in front of our next class. Oof, this day gonna be long...


After we all finished class, Stacy finally decided to join her friends we saw earlier (who still don't care about me), so I waited for Peter in the empty corridor with empty lockers and empty rooms. I was leaning against a locker. And since I didn't have his phone number yet, I couldn't text him. Great. One hour passed, and two. No trace of Peter. I decided to leave without him. I left the building and crossed a field where boys played american football. It was 5pm. I was walking when I heard someone shouting at me, so I turned back to face Peter who was running at me. I kept walking. "Y/n !! Wait please !" He yelled. I stopped and turned back again. "What's going on Peter ?" I said, irritated. He was out of breathe. "I-I'm so-sorry...I-I can expl-" "Yes, I need explanations. What's got into you earlier, huh ?" I started to raise my voice. Then some players started staring at me. I started to feel embarrassed. "Stop blushing, I just ran, not you" he said, smiling. I gave a faint smile and giggled. Peter started walking and encouraged me to do same. "Well, I think know, all this...meaningless you left after you left us....after you left me. I was so lonely, for 5 years, and I did not know why. And I think that the fact I met you again filled this gap. But some holes aren't because there's still questions, you know ?" He explained, nervously fingering his sleeves. We had our back turned away from the field now. I opened my mouth to answer, when someone shouted "WATCH OUT!!". I almost had time to turn back, that Peter quickly pulled me close to him and stopped the ball which was going to hit my back. I was looking at the ball he was holding in his hand. This could have hit me. 

 I looked up, facing to Peter. I realised I was gripping his shirt, and so did he, grabbing my waist. "T-thank you Pete..." I said quietly, as he untightened me. "It's nothing" he simply said. Then he throw the ball to a player. Maybe too far, because it went at the bottom of the field. " Well, became faster..." I said, still dissipated. " Yeah I know. Uh, I-I mean yes, uh...oh really ?" he stammered. "Of course! remember when we were racing, as child. I always won. You were too slow, Parker" I joked. He smiled and stared at me with a spark of defiance in his gaze. "Well, time change people, right ?" he replied. My phone suddenly rang. I picked up. It was my dad. "Hey dad, what's up ?...oh yeah..I know...yes, coming" I hanged up. "It was my d-" "Your dad. Yeah, got it". Peter cut me off. He checked his watch. Then he made wide opened eyes. "Well, uh...we could talk about this...another time ? o-or tomorrow, if you...want. Or to go so..." He pointed the direction he was going to take. I laughed. "Come on, go on Parker. See you tomorrow." He was already running a the opposite direction of me. "See you, y/n!" He shouted, already crossing the road, waving at me. I looked at him, disappearing in the crowd of people who were waiting for the bus. Then I smiled. And headed home.

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