When you entered the funhouse, it was all dark, except there were big windows shining red and green light. You slowly looked around inside, and saw that there were monsters behind and inside random things. You were slowly walking along a floor full of creaky wooden floorboards. You looked around one room, and saw what looked like a living room. You saw a dusty dark couch, and slowly sat in it. You didn't really know if you were playing this game right, but you didn't care. Suddenly, you jumped as you felt something touch your shoulder! You turned, and saw someone in a hockey mask, and holding a chainsaw! This was definitely not for kids! You got up and screamed, and when you did, these other monsters came out of nowhere, and you rushed out. You went to what appeared to be a kitchen, and you saw a cauldron boiling, and silver platters on a table. Beside the cauldron, you gasped as you saw the shadow of a witch, cackling. "Oh my! Look who's come to dinner!" She laughed. You freaked and saw the witch slowly remove the lid from the platter, and a screaming head appeared! You screamed and ran to the next room. You ran to a long empty hallway, and screamed as monsters were chasing you from behind! You then saw another door, went inside, and you slammed it while blocking it with your body. You panted as you blocked it. "What the heck is going on?!" You screamed. "Why is it that I'm getting more and more scared by things that aren't even scary?!" You slowly looked in front of you, and saw a creepy staircase. You slowly walked up the stairs, hearing the creaky sounds under your feet. You climbed up more and more, until you saw another door in front of you. You slowly opened the door, and looked in. Your eyes widened at what you saw. This looked a whole lot like your bedroom at home! You looked in, shivering slowly. "Okay...now this is actually very spooky," you said slowly. You looked and saw your bed in the same spot, as well as the windows and dresser. You then looked and saw something else. It was a mirror. You slowly looked in it, and saw your reflection. But you then saw something else in the mirror. Words...written in blood...that said..., "HaViNg FuN yEt __________?" That freaked you out, because it had your name on it! You started to scream and you suddenly saw the floor shake under you! You tried to run, but you suddenly fell into a trap! It was actually a slide that led you straight down and around. As you were sliding, you saw the demon's face everywhere, laughing at you! You shut your eyes and covered your ears as the demon started to talk to you. "__________...yoU aRe TrApPeD iN a WoRlD oF hOrRoR.... MoRe HoRrOr ThAn yOu CoUlD pOsSiBlY iMaGiNe.... ThIs Is A dReAm ThAt YoU cAnNoT eScApE fRoM.... EvErYtHiNg ArOuNd YoU iS rEaL.... YoU cAnNoT wAkE uP fRoM iT...." He then started to laugh evvilly. It was so loud, you covered your ears and eyes. Finally...it all just turned off.
Silver.EXE X Reader
HorrorIt'S nO uSe~ GeT rEaDy FoR tHiS oNe~ YoU cAnNoT cOnTrOl HiS pOwEr~ He MaY bE nAiVe...BuT hE cAn Be FrIgHtEnInG~