GoOd EnOuGh To EaT

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When you woke up in your room, you did nothing but scream and hold your head. It was all just a dream? And when did you fall asleep?! You had no idea what happened, until you felt something on your neck. You slowly stopped screamed, and went to the bathroom. You turned on the light, and you screamed as you saw teeth marks! "Oh my god! Oh my god!" You screamed. "I gotta get out of here!" You ran out of the bathroom, but when you got to the door, something suddenly grabbed you, and pinned you to the wall! You screamed and turned your head to see who it was, but no one was there! You were then floating up against the wall and ceiling, still not seeing anything. And then, you were back against the wall with your arms straught acrossed as if you were being crucified! You tried to move, but you couldn't. Out of nowhere, you finally saw Silver.EXE smirking at you evilly. "Don't kill me please!" You screamed. Silver.EXE chuckled and walked to you, studying your face as he put his hand under your chin, leaving some blood stains. "I'm NoT gOnNa KiLl YoU," he smirked. "BuT yOu Do LoOk GoOd EnOuGh To EaT." You blushed a bit but you then whimpered. He then leaned and slowly licked your cheek. "Why the licking?" You whined. Silver.EXE then put his hands on your cheeks, and looked in your eyes, seeing that you were tearing up. Being as naive as he was, he looked in your eyes and sighed softly. Somehow, you suddenly felt like you could move, and you tried to move, but you looked in Silver.EXE's eyes. You suddenly felt a bit weird, and you slowly placed your hands on his cheeks. "You're not gonna eat me...?" You asked, softly. Silver.EXE then leaned in to your ear, and lightly nibbled the bottom of it. It pinched a little, but you bit your lip and blushed as he softly whispered, "YoU aRe So AdOrAbLe...." You suddenly felt less scared, and you started wrapping your arms around him. He then picked you up with his arms, and looked up at you. You shivered as you looked down at him. He then licked his lips, and he carried you to your room.

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