The Winter Ball.

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Hey everyone been a while sense my last update life and helping plane a wedding is a pain but i'm back and ready to start writing again, I just want to thank everyone who had read my story and enjoying it so far thanks everyone for all the nice comments, I was almost about to give up on this book but after seeing it take off in a few short days I am inspired to keep writing.

It was a the day before the ball and Blue was getting her dress done, she always hand made her own gowns and other clothing which she rarely wore unless it was some kind of occasion or it was time for a nap.

Blue smile looking at her gown very proud of her handy work." Just a few more touches on the bottom and it will be done." The blue women smiled to herself and placed the gown over a mannequin (the ones that have no arms or a head and face) Blue found the perfect pics of  fabric to decorate the bottom half of the dress.

As she start stitching the pics to the dress she was 'graced' with the presence of White Diamond, the white women walked in behind Blue without announcing her presence." Well...good evening Blue." The taller women said in the blue gems ear with an evil purr. Blue jumped cutting herself with the needle.

"Ah sss." Blue held her hand blood dripped down her arm, the blue women backed away from her dress careful not to get blood on it.

The sent of blood coming from the elegant gem hit the tall women in the nose it was intoxicating White licked her lips, she wanted a taste of the crimson liquid dripping from the blue women's hand, she walked closer and took the Blue's hand without her consent.

"White?! what are you doing?!" Blue watched as the powerful gem took her bleeding hand and suck the blood coming from the open wound, Blue looked at the tall women trying to pull her hand away but it was no use White had a strong grip on her wrist and was not about to let go not till she had as much as she desired.

White purred in delight at the sweet taste she sucked and licked the on the wound all around casing Blue pain.

"WHITE LET GO!!!" Blue yelled yanking her arm away from White making her let go, the sudden relies nearly made her fall over."ugh." Blue hit the wall behind her and looked up only to see White inches away from her face keeping her against the wall.

"You yelled at me..." She said in somewhat of an impressed tone she looked at White as she leaned in more, Blue flinched when White was much to close to her face and lips. White moved to the side just a bit and leaned into Blues ear and spoke." You have a fire in you Blue and I like it when your angry and I want that anger all for me Blue." She ran her hand down Blue's leg to her thighs, Blue was in fear looking at White and what she would do to her next.

"What do you say Blue." White was slowly pulling Blues dress up smiling in her ear while Blue was frozen in fear. Blue's dress was almost up completely and White was reacting her target." The fear in your eyes only makes me want you more Blue."

"No no don't please!!..." Blue waited but nothing didn't happen she opened her eyes and saw White knocked to the ground with a black eye.

"Blue!!" She was held in strong arms she knew all to well." Blue are you okay did she hurt you." Yellow looked looked at her, Blue's aura was filled with fear, Yellow held her close but Blue didn't speck or move she was so shaken up what had just happen left her frozen in shook.

White laid on the floor shaking from Yellow's destabilizing attack and the punch to her left eye lucky for White Yellow was more concerned about Blue then fishing her off. White looked up half angry half in pain she didn't know what to feel more pain or anger.

"Blue Blue look at me it's okay come on.....Blue look at me." Yellow tried to get Blue to blink talk move something." Blue look at me!" Yellow yelled in worry making Blue come back but broke down in tears crying harder then she ever had before, Yellow held her trying to calm down as she cried hard from what had just occurred shaking like a leaf in the wind. braking down in the yellow gems arms she never felt so horrified.

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