The Heat Went Out [Mullete & some Jamilton]

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I'm sitting on the couch with a blanket, watching a movie waiting for Herc to get back from the store. The heat went out and and Alex stole all our blankets at our last sleepover, Thomas attempted to get them back for us but Alex literally hissed at him so Thomas said he would return them as soon as possible. The door opens and I see Herc come in holding 6 giant blankets.
"Mon Amour! I never thought you would come back!" I say running up to him and grabbing the blankets. He smiles and kisses my nose.
"You would not believe the amount of people trying to get blankets Laffy! It was crazy!" He say closing the door.
"Everyones heaters must have gone out from the storm last night" I say beginning to cut all the tags off the blankets.
"Yeah it was chaos." He says.
"The canceled classes what should we do now?" I ask him
"We could watch movies all day, or I don't know relax or something" he says
"Movies sounds nice, I'll make the popcorn" I say handing the blankets off to him. I throw some popcorn in the microwave and set a timer. When the popcorns finished I pour it in a bowl. I go over to the couch and snuggle next to Herc.
"What do you want to watch?" Herc asks me
"Umm How about Beauty and the Beast" I say
"Beauty and the Beast it is!" He turns on the movie and we watch it cuddling into each other for warmth. We watch almost every Disney movie in existence. Soon Herc falls asleep. I carefully slip out of his grip. I get up and start to make some food. Theres a knock at the door. I turn off the stove and go to answer the door. When I open it I see Alex standing there grinning like a mad man
"Hey Alex, Whats up?" I ask him letting him in.
"Hey Laff, I stole Tom's contacts so he's forced to wear his glasses!" He says giggling
"Why? And Thomas has glasses? Since when?" I ask rapidly
"Well one He's always needed glasses just he doesn't like wearing them because he doesn't think he looks good in them. Two he looks really hot in them" He says twirling the contact case in his fingers. We hear muttering from outside the door and a string if curses. Alex dives into a pile of blankets right before someone knocks on the door. I open the door again revealing Thomas.
"Hey Laff have you seen Alex? He took my contacts and I just want to go back to the dorm and get a blanket and watch a movie because the heater broke but NooOoo he had to take my damn contacts" Thomas says. Alex laughs from underneath the blankets and Thomas glares at the blankets. I let him in
"I assume he's in the blankets" He says
"Mhm" I nod my head and watch as Alex pops out and runs away from Thomas. Thomas tackles Alex and he lets out a squeak
"Why can't you wear the glasses? You look really fucking hot in them" Alex whines.
"I'll think about" Thomas says "Now lets go watch a movie and give Laff and Herc there blankets back" He escorts Alex out after saying bye to me. Herc shuffles on the couch surprisingly he didn't wake up during that whole ordeal. I go back to the kitchen and finish making food. I set it out on the table and then go over to Herc and lightly shake his shoulder to wake him up
"Herc.... Herc, mon amour wake up" I shake his shoulder a bit harder.
"Herccccc wake uppppp I made fooood" I say trying again to get him to wake up. He groans and opens his eyes.
"Five more minutes class is over rated" he mumbles his eyes starting to closes again
"HeRc!" I shake him again
"I made lunch, you only slept two hours Herc, its still Tuesday" I say
"Oh" He slowly sits up. We walk over to the table and eat. When we are done with lunch we watch movies under the blankets fot the rest of the day.

some mullete fluff for your souls also some jamilton because thats also my otp, requests are open if youvwould like to see a certain ship, i dont do smuts at the moment though so only fluff. Hope you have a great day/night

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