Amnesia [Jamilton]

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Some background info
/Thomas got hit by a car and went into a coma when he woke up he had amnesia forgetting the past three years, which includes the start of college and beginning to date Alex/

Everything was weird, I kept feeling déjà vu around all my friends. Especially Alex, who is definitely my enemy- I think. I walk through the dorm that I share with Alex, trying to find something to trigger the memories. I see Hamilton walk out of his room carrying a light magenta sweater that was mine. I got that sweater when I went to France senior year of high school.  I wonder why he had it. He puts in the wash. Then he walks back to his room. I quickly go over and look at it more closely. I see that a small mark had been stitched onto it, i rub my thumb over it. It looked like the little symbol on my wrist. A heart with a dagger running through it. My soulmate was supposed to have them same one. I looked at it again and thats when all the memories came back, i remembered debating with Alex and then our first kiss. The party where everyone was wasted af.
"LEX HOLY CRAP C'MERE" I shout tears beginning to run down my face. He pokes his head from out of his bedroom door
"Uh Yes Jefferson" he asked.
"I remember!" He instantly smiles.
"You do?!?"
"Yes!" We both hug each other. He has tears running down his face.
"How did you remember?" He asks me
"Well I saw you throw my sweater in the wash and I was confused why you had it because I didn't remember letting you wear it all time and I saw that our soulmate mark had been stitched onto it and then I just remembered" I said hugging him.
"I missed you Thomas I really missed you" he says
"I missed you too" I say. We stayed in each others embrace for the rest of the day.
Some smol fluff. Hope you guys like it. Have a good day!

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