(Fluff) Matt x Male Reader | The Park

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(Your POV)

''Lame'' Tom said, Edd,Matt,Tom, Tord and I were currently watching the worst TV show we have ever seen, But for some reason were still watching it. Edd took the remote and started skipping through the channels. We all scooted down, bored as hell. Edd just turned off the TV. Matt groaned, ''I wanna do something fun! I'm bored..'' I ruffled my hair, trying to think of a idea. ''Do you guys want to go to the amusement park?'' Edd suggested, We all looked at each other,we all said together "Yea!" and got ready to go. We all went into Edds car and we drove to the nearest and cheapest one we could find. We finally got to our destination and got out. Matt dashed out the car and grabbed my wrist and we ran to the entrance. I yelped at the sudden action. Matt finally stopped at the entrance and waited for Edd and the others.. Edd had the money, Edd finally caught up and he paid for our tickets, right after Matt and I got our tickets we bolted to the park, I wanted to go to the food court like I always did but Matt wanted to go get more toys for his collection, I didn't want him to be alone so I tagged along with him, Now's the time to learn new things! We went to a bunch load of machines and Matt was surprisingly really good at it, After he got his toys he gave them to me, I could barley see where I was going, I heard Matt screech in happiness and I tried to see what was going on, Matt yelled ''Oh, my, gosh! (Y/N) Look! Its such a beautiful mirror! Its so shiny and coloUrful!!'' (I'm canadien get used to it) I heard a man speaking and he only accepted cash not coins. I heard Matt sigh and I heard walking in my direction, A few toys got off my arms and I could see again. Matt chuckled and said" Sorry for making you carry my toys! You could've fallen!'' I blushed at him seeing him so beautiful under the night sky, I looked down in shyness and we walked back to the car and we placed the toys in the trunk, Matt and I whipped the sweat off our foreheads and we high-fived each other, we went back and Matt gave me a chance to go to the Food stand. I got ice cream and Matt got a lollipop . We both ate it happily. I felt a hand on mine and I looked at Matt, He didn't seem to notice, Edd and the others found us and Tom looked at me flirty like and looked at me and Matt. Matt took off his hand and waved to the others, Edd asked '' You guys ready to head back home?'' We all nodded and started to walk to the car, Tom pulled me behind and stayed behind the gang, Matt looked at us looking concerned and sad.. Matt slowly looked back in front of him. Tom elbowed me hard in the arm I grunted and pushed Tom a little and said ''What the hell?'' Tom said quietly ''You're gay aren't ya?'' I gasped ''What!? Of course not! I am not in love with Matt'' Tom snickered ''I didn't say you were gay for Matt..'' I paused. ''Shit'' I said to myself. Tom snickered, ''So..Into the ginger?'' I chuckled, ''Yea..Do you think I could have a chance with him?'' Tom shrugged. ''We'll never know until you try.'' I sighed and nodded. Everyone got into the car and headed back home. Matt once again got out and dragged me to the house. Matt and I waited at the door, Edd had the keys. Edd has everything. They caught up and unlocked the door and went inside. Matt dragged me to the couch and tried to tickle me. I chuckled and the others laughed. ''You know Matt, (Y/N) isn't ticklish..'' Tord laughed. Matt tried tickling me everywhere and I didn't react. The others laughed and walked to their rooms. Tom yelled, ''Night Love Birds.'' Matt didnt react and tried despertly to tickle me. I growled at Tom and I flipped him off, he did the same. Matt started to pout and was tearing up. ''Whats wrong Matt?'' Matt sniffed, ''I wanna tickle you..'' I smirked. ''Guess what..? I wanna tickle you!'' I pinned Matt down and tickled him, ''NOOOO! (Y/N) BE GOOD BOYYY" I laughed. ''Nope!'' I continued and then in reaction he grabbed my neck and pulled me down and we were stuck in cuddle mode. I blushed hardly, ''Matt..Let go'' I studderd. Matt shook his head and nuzzled my neck. I was in shock and I blurted out. ''I love you'' I realized what I said and looked at Matt suprised. He smiled and kissed my nose. ''I love you too!'' Matt massaged my face and I chuckled. ''Yay...'' He pecked me on the lips and continued all over my face. I relized..it tickled and I jolted up and laughed, Matt realized and continued while I laughed and held his hips trying to get him off. ''I knew you were tickilish..'' I laughed. ''You win..''

Eddsworld x Reader One shots (Lemon,Fluff) Male and Female (REQUESTS CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now