(Fluff) Matt x Girl Reader|Mirrors don't lie

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(Your POV)

I got out of the taxi and took my stuff from the trunk and waved goodbye. I looked at the house I would be living in for god knows how long. It was a nice little house, It may be small but relaxing. There were two windows in the front and a brown door right in the middle, the walls were white and the roof was red. I smiled and adored the house for a moment. I walked over the the house, suitcase in hand. I knocked on the door once or twice and waited for a reply. I heard some yelling from inside, one man yelled "EDD ANSWER THE DOOR!!" The other replied "YOU'RE CLOSER! YOU GET THE DOOR! I'M MAKING DINNER" I just stood there just hearing these men yell. Then one yelled, "LET'S NOT ANSWER THE DOOR THEN" one yelled I mentally face palmed myself " Children"  I muttered to myself. I knocked again, but a little harder. One yelled "EDD ANSWER THE DOOR!" I looked at the door and opened the mail slot and said "uh-hello? uh- Im here becuase of the Ad?, you have a room for let?" I said then quickly closing it, I was so embarrassed, why did I do that!? Im a little shy, I hit my head "Stupid,Stupid Stupid" The door flew open, it was a tall brunette boy with a green hoodie, he seemed embarrased. "Im so sorry about that! Come on in!' He said, I awkwardly walked in, he closed the door behind me, "Well, Let me introduce myself! Im Edd! Nice to meet you!" I shyly shaked Edds hand."I'm (Y/N)" I smiled shyly. He smiled back and he singled me to follow him and I obeyed. Edd pointed out the rooms they had, One room belonged to a guy named Tom and  another Matt. Edd showed me where my room was going to be and he opened the door to reveal my new room "Here you go! Its not as big like it says in the newspaper, But at least its a room! I'll let you get ready!" I smiled and thanked him. I smelled somthing burning I decided to ask, "Is somthing burning?" Edd took a sniff, he exuded himself and dashed off. I chuckled at his actions as I walked into the room and admired it, I placed my bag(s) on to the bed. I started unpacking. I heard a knock, I looked at the sound and it was a man in a blue hoodie, I didn't question the eyes. I smiled and replied "Yes?" He looked like he didn't want to be here and he said "Dinner is ready, so like..come" he walked off. I rolled my eyes and smiled, Boy is he moody. I shrugged it off and thought to myself "I'll finish after dinner" I walked down the hall, but I didn't know where the kitchen was, so basically I kinda roamed around the room and then I saw this ginger haired man walking into a hallway he's probably going to the kitchen! I followed him and wouldn't you know! He went into the kitchen, he sat down and glaced at me. He panicked, he said "guys...who's that??" They looked at me and back at him, "She's going to be our new roomate!" Edd said cheerfully Matt formed the happiest smile I've seen he stood up shook my hand. "Well! Im Matt! Nice to meet you! Whats yours?" He said in a happy tone, I replied "(Y/N)." He smiled and sat back down. He looked at me, smiled cutely, and said "You have a pretty name! For a pretty person!" The blued hoodied man face palmed. I just blushed a pink streak across my face. I thanked him akwardly. I sat down next to him and Edd placed down some pasta, It smelled nice! Even though he almost burned it. We all ate in silence, until Matt broke the silence. "So (Y/N)! What do you like to do?" He started asking questions about me. I answered the best I could and we all started talking and laughing, it was a fun time.

A few months later*

We all walked out of the park,Laughing. Matt snaked his arm around my shoulders to balance him from falling, we all had a good time, and in the past few months, i've grown to like this ginger man. I blushed and laughed at his actions. We all died down on our laughs as we arrived home. Matt didnt let go of my shoulders I awkwardly stayed in that position blushing. Tom noticed this and smiled a devilish smile, "hey Matt, if you keep your arm around her I bet her face is going to explode," he joked. Matt let go and picked me up bridle style. THIS FACE WILL NOT EXPLODE!" He ran off with me in his arms. In the distance I heard Edd and Tom laughing. Matt and I arrived at the door and he put me down, I opened the door and we quickly went in, acting like children. Matt picked me back up and placed me on the couch, I blushed as he sat next to me and said "You're beautiful.." he said, I blushed but didn't say anything, without thinking I asked him "How?" I looked down in shame. Matt cupped my face and said "You're images and beauty structures are magnificent, your perfect the way you are, and i like that, if people dont see that, well.. You're perfect for me," and with that, he smashed his lips against mine, I blushed a really dark red. I hestinaly kissed back. After a few seconds we departed lips and he smiled and said "(Y/N), I really like you like..more as a friend.. I have a crush on you." I was speachless, I felt my face heat up as I hugged him, Matt hugged me back and I shyly replied "I love you too" His grip tightened and I cuddled in his chest. "(Y/N), would you like to be my girlfriend?' I smiled and gazed into his eyes and happily said "Of course" I went back to his chest and cuddled. We heard some giggles from behind us, Matt looked over and saw Edd and Tom recording the whole time! Matt got up and chased after them, I smiled at there little child behavoir, today was a pretty swell day..

Eddsworld x Reader One shots (Lemon,Fluff) Male and Female (REQUESTS CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now