Histen's House Adventure!

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Histen: Dun Dun dun Dun, Dun Dun dun dun, Dun Dun dun Dun, Dun Dun dun dun

Histen: It's been 8 hours, How long will Astroid Take!!! Ughhh

Mom-Stroid: Ugh these kids!

Histen: Oh s***

Histen ran Inside Astroid's closet

Histen:..... Wait....

Histen Jumped.out the window and was at the front door of Astroid's House

Histen: Ugh..... Gotta Do It

Histen Jumped up and Hit the Door Bell

Mom-Stroid: Coming

I heard her footsteps


Mom-Stroid: Hm?...... It's...... a.... Kitty.....

Histen: Meow?

Mom-Stroid: IT'S SO ADORABLE!!! Are you lost?

Histen shook his head no

Mom-Stroid: Your not lost?

Histen was brushing up on Mom-Stroid

Mom-Stroid: I'm sorry, You can't stay here-

Astroid: Oh Hey Mom- WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!

Mom-Stroid: Do You know this kitty

Astroid: Yeah His name is Histen and He isn't supposed be out here!!

Mom-Stroid: So, It's... yours?

Histen: Prrrr....

Mom-Stroid:.... fine but don't let your father know until its time

Astroid: Right...

Momma Stroid Picked up Histen

Momma: Your not so bad, He's cute

Histen Started Playing with Momma Stroids Fingers

Astroid: Well I should be getting up stairs, Come on Histen

Histen: Prr... (HE'S GONNA YELL AT ME....)

Momma: He can stay with me if you want

Astroid:.... Hehe.... He needs a bath

Giving Histen a smirk

Histen: MEOW!!!

Momma: Well he was outside

Astroid picked Histen up

We went upstairs to his room

Astroid:.... It seems mom Likes you....

Histen: I'm sorry!!!! I should have listened and-

Astroid: this is... perfect... Now You wont have to hide from Mom, Only Dad now

Histen: I mean either way I cant stay Because I have to get home

Astroid: Oh right... your parents must be devastated that you didn't go home yesterday

Histen: I Live Alone, I still have rent to pay

Astroid: I mean... wanna live here. You wont be lonely... You'll have us

Histen: Nah, what if I get kicked out then where will I go

Astroid: That won't happen

Histen: fine.... I'll live here... but what about my stuff?

Astroid: That's true...

Astroid: Let's go right now

Histen: Wont it be suspicious that your bringing my crap?

Astroid: Nah lets go

Astroid: But first you need a bath because you f**king smell

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