You Heard Me!(Part 12)

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(First of all...I am sososososososo sorry for the lack of updates!!!!)

(My apology to you is a crappy piece of art and a slightly longer chapter...)

(If you have any suggestions please please PLEASE let me hear 'em!!)

(Anywhoo, on with the story!)


Bakugos P.o.V

"What?"  I managed to stutter out.  

"You heard me!"  He replied.  

"Y-you l-lo-"  I cut myself off and looked away.  Who am I kidding...he wouldn't love me.  

"Love you?... Yeah."  He chuckled.

WhAt ThE hElL!?

Kirishimas P.o.V

He blushed hugely and little explosions crackled in his palms like fireworks.  He closed his hands and looked everywhere except me.  I didn't really know what else to do in this situation.


I grabbed him and pulled him towards me...

And hugged him...

Properly this time...

He gasped, but then gradually hugged back.  It lasted a minute or so before we pulled back.  I smiled at him and we sat for a while before I reached out to the discarded bandages scattered next to his arms.  I looked down at them and back over to his arms.  How did he get all those injuries?

"I didn't go." He whispered.  "What?"  I questioned.  "I didn't go."  He said a little louder.  "Go where?"  I asked.  "Recovery girl...ever...I let it bruise, cut and scar...I kept the pain."

Bakugos P.o.V

I looked up at him again and saw a tear slip down his face.  "Why...why didn't you tell me?"  He sniffed through his words.  "I couldn't...I...didn't know how-"  I was cut off as I was engulfed into a giant hug.  We stayed like that for a while.

And I felt so much better.

~ Two Weeks Later ~

Kirishimas P.o.V

School starts in a week...ugh.... On the bright side everyone else is either back or on their way.  Baku's not too happy but hey-ho he usually isn't with other peopl.  But he is with me...and it's great...

~ Text ~

~ Shark Boi joined the chat ~

Pikachu: Hey bro!

Shark Boi: Hey dude!

Shark Boi: ...who changed the names?

Pikachu: dunno

~ Sero joined the chat ~

Sero: Heeeeeeeey

Pikachu: how come ur name isn't changed

Sero: lol

Shark Boi: it was u wasn't it!!!

Sero: XD

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