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We stopped at a park. She sat down on a bench and stared at me.
"Are you..." She started.
"You look like someone in my class."
"I am," I answered.
"You are? What's your name?" I know she is drunk but it hurts when she doesn't even know my name.

"Let's go home." I said feeling sad.

"Come." She said with her finger motioning me to come closer to her. I took a few steps closer to her. She was still sitting on the bench so I knelt down to her level. Jennie was not looking at me, she was staring intensely at me. My breath became uneven when she leaned forward making our lips almost touching.

"Your eyes are beautiful." She chuckled and then fell back to the bench. I sighed.
"They kinda look like Jaewon's but his are..." She mumbled and soon fell asleep in the park.

"Jaewon is not longer your boyfriend but why are you thinking about him?" I said quietly to myself while looking at her sleeping.


"I think we should go home." I said when she woke up. She nodded. She tried to stand up but fell back down on to the bench.
"I hurt my ankle." I looked at it and it was swollen.
" I can give you a piggyback." She hopped up on my back. When we arrived at her house, she was asleep again. I knocked on the door and Jennie’s sister answered.

"Jennie?" She woke up and I put her back down.
"Do you wanna sleepover here tonight?" Her sister had already walked off and we were the only one standing at the front door. I was not answering so she spoke up again.
"It’s late. I think it’s safer to be here." I nodded and smiled.

When everything was going so well I had to ruin it.

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