The Trip

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Haruka was on her way to the presidential office when she was called. She was wondering what assignment he's going to give her this time.

Haruka: (knocks on the door) Excuse me, Mr. President, I'm here.

The President: MISS NANAMI!!!!!!!!! PLEASE COME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She opens the door seeing the President sitting at his chair smiling at her sweating drops on her face.

Haruka: Good morning Mr. President. Did you call for me sir?

The President: YES MISS NANAMI PLEASE COME TO MY DESK PLEASE!!!!! Now, Miss Nanami, you work so hard being the Composer for STARISH and QUARTET NIGHTS. You have an amazing talent when it comes to your music. However, sometimes you need to learn to relax sometimes.

Haruka: Huh?

The President gives Haruka 12 tickets.

Haruka: What is this for Mr. President?

The President: This is 12 tickets for all of you. It's a vacation for 2 weeks. Everything all paid for and you guys leave tomorrow morning at 8:00 am. You may go now, Miss Nanami. HAVE FUN HAHA.

On her way to the music room she sees STARISH and QUARTET NIGHTS going over their music that she wrote. Syo sees Haruka come into the room with her hands behind her back.

Syo: Hey, there Nanami. What do you have behind your back?

Haruka walks up to everyone with her sweet smile. She takes her hands and shown the guys the tickets. The guys look at the tickets that Haruka gave them and freak out shocked faces.

Reiji: What is this all about Haru-chan?

Haruka: Well, the President thinks we been working too much that he wants us to go on vacation for 2 weeks. I know it's unexpected but that's what he told me.

Everyone didn't understand but didn't let a vacation pass them by they were actually happy about plus Haruka is going with them. Ren walks up to Haruka.

Ren: I guess it's not a bad idea since you will be with us, Little Lamb.

All the guys were getting angry eyes when Ren was flirting with Haruka.

Haruka: I'm looking forward to this vacation because we get to be together. Now everyone don't forget to be outside in the front at 8 tomorrow morning. Since it's still a little early I'm going to town for a bit. I'll be right back.

As she leaves the music room STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT look at each other. Knowing if she goes by herself she'll get lost.

Cecil: Should we go with her so she doesn't get lost? I mean Princess isn't very good with directions.

Otoya: Just last week she got lost because Nanami never pays attention.

Natsuki: We should have faith in Haru-chan. She'll be all right by herself.

Ringo walks in with a smirk looking at the boys knowing how to get them fired up.

Ringo: Haru-chan just told me that she was going into town by herself for the trip. You guys aren't going to follow her like you always do?

Reiji: Haru-chan needs to spread her wings sometimes. We know she'll be back.

Ai: Yea.

Ringo pulls out his phone getting ready to have a little fun.

Ringo: It looks like it's about to rain soon. Because Haru-chan is such a beautiful girl I'm pretty sure a nice guy will come along offer Haru-chan his umbrella holding Haru-chan on the shoulder so she doesn't get wet, making her blush and falling in love with him.

When everyone heard what Ringo said that they frozen stone thinking another guy will take their precious Haruka's heart. STARISH and QUARTET NIGHTS had a fire in their eyes running out of the music room going to Haruka. Ringo just laughs and walks away. Haruka was in town looking for the grocery store so she has food for the trip tomorrow. She goes into the store then 15 mins later came out with 4 bags of food and drinks. When she was walking back home it starts to rain. Haruka forgot it was supposed to rain today. She runs to get back home before the rain gets heavy. On her way, she bumps into someone falling down.

Strange guy: Are you alright Miss. I'm really sorry I wasn't paying attention.

Haruka: No it all right. It was also my fault for running without watching where I was going.

Strange guy: My name is Kira, Let me help you up, Miss.

Haruka: My name is Haruka, thank you so much for your help.

STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT saw Haruka hold another guys hand. Reiji and Ran-Ran walk up to them.

Ran-Ran: What is going on here?

Haruka: Ran-Ran I bumped into Kira and fell so he was being kind enough to help me up.

Reiji: Are you hurt Haru-chan?

Haruka shakes her head no and saw the rest of the guys coming her way wondering why they're here?

Kira: Looks like I should be going now. You know it was nice bumping into a beautiful girl like you Haruka. I'll see you later.

Kira walks up to Haruka kissing her on the cheeks walking away. When the guys saw that they were all jealous with rage.


Kira wasn't paying attention to Syo and was still walking away. Haruka picks up the bags that were on the ground but Camus and Ai grab the bags from Haruka

Haruka: Wait for a second???? I can carry them Camus-Senpai and Ai-Senpai... Why are you guys?

Camus: Is it wrong for us gentleman to carry a woman groceries?

Ai looks at Haruka with a look that made shake her head for embarrassment and knew they were right. When they made it back home they went into the kitchen. Haruka got the bags taking the food and drinks out. The guys were wondering why Haruka got so many stuff.

Natsuki: Haru-chan why did you get so much? I bet the bags had of been heavy.

Haruka: I bought this not just for me. Since we got along trip tomorrow I got food and drinks for everyone here. I hope you guys enjoy them.

Haruka shows all the guys the food and drinks to them while smiling. They couldn't help blushing a little bit and smile as well. Later that night everyone was packing for the trip making sure they don't leave anything that is important to them. Next morning everyone is up waiting outside. The bus that came to pick them up takes them to the airport. They arrive on time getting ready to board the plane. Haruka sees Kira.

Haruka: Kira, what are you doing here?

Kira: Looks like I'm catching the same flight as you. Do you want to sit with me?

Haruka says yes, while the STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT get jealous over this guy. When they got on the plane Kira and Haruka sat together while the rest of the guys were glaring at him.

(More coming very soon)

Uta No Prince Sama Goes on VacationWhere stories live. Discover now