Chapter 4:

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Ashleigh's pov

"We're going to start you girls off on the two calmer J.O.P.S horses, Wes the chestnut, and Alby the dark bay" Jewel was first to speak as we come to a stop outside two stalls.

Staring out at us were two gorgeous horses. Wes was a tall 17hh chestnut gelding with markings similar to Florence, except, he had one back sock. As for Alby, he was a 15.3hh dark bay gelding who was more compact and had a faint white star. Both horses were incredible and I was ecstatic to ride them. However, my insides churned from my nervousness. I didn't want to mess up and look like a fool.

'You've ridden these types of horses a thousand times' I thought to myself.

Those kinds of thoughts didn't really help though. Skylar's words made me more nervous and no matter how nice Jewel was, I could feel them watching our every move. I bit my lip as I listen to the girls closely. Eve and I shared looks every minute or two, as if we were trying to communicate telepathically.

"Eve, you'll ride Alby this afternoon and Ash, you'll take Wes. Jewel and I have to go talk to our parents, but we'll be back in 10 minutes. In the mean time, feel free to tack up, you'll find their gear labelled in the tack room" Skylar begins to explain.

"And there's no need to worry about these guys, they're super relaxed so you won't have any problems" Jewel adds just as they leave.

Once both girls are gone I openly gape, Eve doing the same thing.

"I can't believe we're riding the horses they use to ride" I said in disbelief.

"I know!"

We both let out mini squeals from our giddiness before grabbing both of the horses halters. As I quietly open the stall door and greet Wes, the chestnut was quick to sniff out my pockets. I giggle and give him a pet, trying to make up for my lack of treats. My supply ran out when I was making sure Beauty settled in. The gelding lets out a huff, as if deciding whether or not he could forgive me. Eventually, I figured I won him over since he didn't go back to his hay net.

Giving him a final pat, I slip on his halter and put him on some cross ties. I still remained cautious while handling him. It wasn't because he was probably more expensive then my house, but the fact that Wes was an athlete. There was no need for a silly accident to mess up his health. It might sound dumb, but I didn't want to cause a bad impression. These girls could really help my riding career excel.

But after a while of treading around carefully, I gave up. It was hard not to become close with Wes. The gelding was a big softy and the dictionary definition of a gentle giant. Who wouldn't love the teddy bear of a horse? Eve was also won over by Alby, the bay looking as affectionate as Wes.

As I finish putting the tack on Wes, the girls arrive back with our helmets.

"We thought we would grab them while we were in the house" Jewel smiled while Skylar's eyes ran over the horses.

Once she seemed pleased, she also offered us a smile. Even though both girls were extremely tough, they were mature. I really liked Sky's straight to the point attitude. It didn't leave anyone confused.

I also liked Jewel's kindness. I felt as though she was the one who reined Skylar in and would soften the blows. They were opposites, but complimented each other very well. It made me miss my sister all the more. But when I see Eve standing next to me, the feeling evaporates. We were in this together, and she was just like a sister.

Corny, but true.

Both Eve and I murmur thanks as the girls hand us our helmets.

"Okay, we're going to do a little bit of flatwork, then for a little fun, we'll go do some cross country" Sky's eyes light up as she speaks.

I feel a wave of jittery excitement wash over me. I loved both jumping super high, and jumping at fast speeds. Dressage wasn't my weak spot either and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I knew, that as an eventer, it was my job to be a well rounded rider. That way if my horse is weaker in a certain discipline, my competence will help our performance. But it doesn't mean that I don't have any preferred disciplines.

"Let's go to the outdoor arena since its nice out" Jewel comments, motioning for us to follow her. I immediately follow after them, Wes happily walking with me.

Once we arrive, I clip on my helmet and get given a leg up by Jewel.

Okay, deep breathes Ash!

"Okay, just so you can get a feel of the horses your riding, just take them to the outside and put them through their paces" Sky says, perching herself on the fence nearby.

I allow Eve to go in front of me since Alby seemed more forward. They both already looked like a great pair. I also found myself adjusting to Wes easily. He was an easy going horse and happy to do what ever I asked.

By the time we finished warming up the two geldings, both Eve and I were grinning from ear to ear. We were already comfortable with our horses, and wanted to work. Now we had to wait in anticipation for the girls next instructions.

"You ready to jump?" Sky asked.

Eve and I both looked at each other in excitement.

"Of course!" we both chant.

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