A Happy Future?

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Fast forward another month...


After the events of that night in Yuuki's room, the woman had stopped trying to hide her feelings for the hero, the orange haired man doing the same as their relationship suddenly became public knowledge. 

Bulma had nearly shouted from the rooftops after Yuuki had told her, herself and Videl promising to throw the woman a proper bachelorette party once she tied the knot.

Bulma had nearly shouted from the rooftops after Yuuki had told her, herself and Videl promising to throw the woman a proper bachelorette party once she tied the knot

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"T-That's a long way off Bulma!" Yuuki said, both women laughing at the comical look of embarrassment on her face.

"Don't be too sure..." Videl teased, grinning as she thought about the sweet couple. "I see the way he looks at you..."

"V-Videl!" Yuuki shouted, waving her hand near her face as she attempted to cool her cheeks down. Inside she couldn't be happier however, knowing just how lucky she was to have a man like Tapion.


Later that day...


Yuuki giggled to herself, remembering the conversation from earlier as she continued walking towards home. She had just finished searching every toy store in the city for a present for Trunks as she realized it was getting late...

The blonde woman arrived at Capsule Corp a few minutes later, wrapped gift in hand as she stepped through the door. Not a second later Yuuki was nearly tackled, her favorite purple haired Saiyan clinging onto her while shouting. 

"Yuuki! What took you so long?!"

"I was out looking for this..." She answered nonchalantly before handing the colorful box to Trunks. "I think this is the one you said you wanted..." She went on, knowing it was indeed as she had just spent the last three hours searching it out. The paper was gone in a split second as Trunks starred in awe at the incredibly rare action figure. 

"Thank you Yuuki! You're the BEST!" He shouted, throwing his arms around her before dashing off with Goten to go play.

"I'd have to agree..." Tapion laughed, hugging Yuuki from behind as she relaxed. He pulled her close, smelling the lovely fragrance of her hair as she smiled.

"He only told me about five thousand times..." Yuuki giggled, turning around before looking up into her lover's face. "Speaking of that... What are you going to want for your birthday?" She asked sweetly, wondering what the fighter might like.

"I have everything I could ever need." Tapion answered seriously, smiling down at Yuuki before pulling her in for a kiss. She kissed him back, wrapping her slender arms around him as she sighed.

Despite everything that's happened... I couldn't be happier right now... Yuuki realized, surrounded by her new friends, now more like family to the woman.

But little did she know....... Not all stories have happy endings.


A/N: Just when you think you're going to get a happy ending... The author of the story has to throw some drama your way (┛◉u◉)┛彡┻━┻ Let's just hope our heroes can handle it :O

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