Disappearing Act

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A few weeks later...


Yuuki woke up feeling sick again, the fourth time this week in fact as Tapion finally convinced her to let Bulma give her an exam. Once she reluctantly agreed, the scientist brought the woman down to her lab, checking her vitals and taking some blood samples before asking some questions to better diagnose her.

"How long...?" Bulma repeated, her eyebrow beginning to rise as she thought she might have an idea of what was going on...

"About two weeks now..." Yuuki explained, going over her symptoms yet again as Bulma suddenly smiled. Yuuki frowned, becoming confused as she watched the other woman run towards her cabinet, moving boxes and medical supplies out of the way before finally finding what she was apparently looking for.

"Here... Take this into the bathroom and pee on it."

"Wh-What?!" Yuuki exclaimed, not sure this sounded like normal medical procedure. "Why-"

"Just trust me, okay?" Bulma insisted, shooing her towards the door as Yuuki proceeded to do what she'd asked. A few minutes later the other woman emerged, plastic stick in hand as the scientist moved closer to see the results.

"I KNEW IT!" She shouted, making Yuuki jump as she dropped the strange test on the ground. "Two lines! Yuuki, you're pregnant!" Bulma cheered, oblivious to the shocked expression said woman was now wearing.

"WHAT?! How-"

"You know how..." Bulma said quickly, cutting the blonde woman off as she winked, enjoying watching the blush creep onto her face. 

"B-BULMA! What am I going to do?" Yuuki trailed off, not sure how to feel as she knew she had to tell Tapion. What is he going to think...?

"Don't stress Yuuki," Bulma said reassuringly, patting her shoulder gently before continuing. "You know Tapion will be thrilled."

"You think so?"

"Absolutely!" The blue haired scientist reasoned, knowing that they both loved each other dearly. "Honestly, you should just tell him the good news... But it is your choice and I won't say anything to anyone until you do."

"Thank you Bulma, really." Yuuki said, letting out a sigh of relief as she knew she at least had some time to choose her words wisely. "I think I'm going to go for a walk to think about how to tell him..." She went on, smiling as a sudden wave of joy washed over her, Bulma grinning to herself while watching her friend go.

"Ah, young love..." She mumbled, shaking her head before getting back to her work.


Meanwhile, across town...


Yuuki walked through the city streets, thinking to herself as she watched the different people of this planet pass by. Families, mothers and fathers with children clinging onto their arms...

That will be Tapion and I soon... She realized, placing a hand over her stomach as she imagined what their child might be like. Would they have a boy or a girl? Either way, she knew they'd be a strong warrior. I hope Tapion will be happy with the news...

Yuuki looked around, noticing it was getting late as the sun had began to set. Turning back and heading for home, she began walking, noticing less and less people on her way. Suddenly she realized she was alone, the streets around her devoid of any life as a terrible feeling began to creep into her mind.

"Out here all by yourself?"

Yuuki whirled around, coming face to face with a strange blonde man for a split second.

Yuuki whirled around, coming face to face with a strange blonde man for a split second

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"Not a very wise decision at all..." He laughed, striking her on the back of the neck quickly as she felt her knees give out from underneath her. The stranger caught Yuuki just as she blacked out, his familiar laugh the last thing she heard before losing consciousness...


Back at Capsule Corp...


It was dark now and everyone was beginning to get a bit worried as Yuuki still hadn't returned yet, especially Tapion. The poor man was pacing in front of the window, about to go out searching as Vegeta spoke up.

"I can tell you her energy isn't anywhere close." The Saiyan sighed, crossing his arms as Bulma piped up.

"Guys, relax! Maybe... Maybe she just had some thinking to do, you know?" She stammered, truly hoping her friend was indeed okay. "Sometimes us women need some space to sort things out..."

"Tch, sounds like you might know what's going on here..." Vegeta said with a frown, knowing for a fact his wife always knew more than what she let on.

"Do you?" Tapion asked, looking back at her as Bulma sighed.

"Y-Yes..." Bulma admitted, knowing she had to come clean. Especially if there was any chance the woman was in danger. "We talked earlier when she came to get her exam... Everything was fine and she said she was going for a walk, to think..."


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"Bulma..." Vegeta growled, knowing that couldn't be the end of it.

Tapion frowned, done with wasting time as he made his way outside, jumping into the air before beginning to fly above the city. Where could she have gone so late? He wondered, genuinely becoming concerned as he continued his search.

Tapion didn't return until morning, having spent all night out scanning the city, surrounding forests and everywhere he could think to look. When he touched down near Capsule Corp the rest of the Z Fighters were waiting for him, all of them assuring him that they would find out what had happened.

Bulma clutched her chest, praying her friend was alright as she knew better than to say anything about her condition now. If Tapion knows, it's only going to make him worry more... She reasoned, sighing as she looked at his exhausted face.

Where are you Yuuki?

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