Save Me

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A/N: Yes, I am taking a lot of inspiration from Sword Art Online here... (✖ u ✖) Mainly because the pictures and gifs fit so well... Anywho, read on ^^


Yuuki groaned, waking up in pain as she pushed herself into a sitting position. "Where am I...?" She whispered, rubbing the back of her neck while suddenly remembering what had happened. 

Looking around, she realized she was in a giant gold cage. A large mirror was right next to her, reflecting small bits of light while she wondered why she was here. The woman gasped, suddenly seeing a movement in the mirror as she spun around quickly...

"Morning beautiful." A man in green said, raising one of his golden brows before continuing. "I thought you were going to sleep all day..."

"Where am I?!" Yuuki hissed, glaring at the stranger as he started to laugh. That... That laugh... It's the same one from the forest... She remembered, a chill running down her spine as she recalled what had happened months ago. She had honestly pushed it out of her mind, the worry and anxiety about the instance beginning to fade now that Tapion and her new friends were constantly at her side...

"I told you we'd meet again..." The stranger continued, interrupting her thoughts and ignoring the question as he stood from his seat and made his way towards Yuuki. "You're even more beautiful up close..." He murmured, placing his hand on her cheek while she looked away, trying her best to ignore him.

"Come, have a seat..." He ordered, grabbing her throat before yanking the small woman up roughly. Yuuki choked a bit, trying to stand but finding only air under her feet as he strolled towards the table in the room calmly. "There you go." The blonde man threw Yuuki into the chair, finally releasing her airway as well before watching her take a few deep breaths.

She placed her shaky hands in her lap, attempting to remain calm as she didn't want to anger the strange man too much. I... I just need to wait until Tapion gets here... She reassured herself, trying her best to stop herself from trembling as the blonde man chuckled.

"Don't feel like talking right now?" He questioned, grabbing her chin and turning Yuuki's face towards him forcefully. "That's alright... We have lots of time..." He went on, a sinister glare creeping across his features. "I'm sure you'll be able to entertain me somehow until your friends get here..."


Back at Capsule Corp...


Tapion sighed, sitting on the roof with Trunks while staring off into the clouds. It had been two whole days. Two whole days with no sign of Yuuki. Every one of Bulma and Goku's friends had been searching for any trace, any clue... But it's almost as if you just vanished. 

"I miss Yuuki..." Trunks said sadly, the whole house not really feeling the same without her prescence. "I want to find her soon..."

Tapion nodded, hoping that wherever Yuuki was, she was at least safe. It was hard to imagine that she would just take off with no warning however... And as far as Bulma was telling everyone, she wasn't upset or angry, she'd just gone for a walk and disappeared.

"Tapion! Trunks!" Gohan shouted, both fighters glancing down onto the yard before spotting the Saiyan. "Come down here, quick! We found something!"

Tapion's eyes widened as he wasted no time, jumping down onto the grass where everyone else was waiting. "What is it?" He asked eagerly, knowing anything might help them with their search.

"Someone left a letter at the house today..." Bulma spoke up, trying to remain calm as she knew now for a fact that her friend was in trouble. "None of my employees saw who delivered it... But it, it um... It says they have Yuuki..." The blue haired woman finished in a rush, starting to cry.

"They said they want us to bring them the dragon balls for her safe return." Goku added, crossing his arms while everyone remained silent.

"The dragon balls...?" Tapion questioned, never having heard of such a thing.

"W-Well?! We'll just gather them again!" Bulma said as if stating the obvious. "I think we might even have one or two here already..."

"So well just need the other

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"So well just need the other... Um..." Goku frowned, beginning to count on his fingers as his son resisted the urge to facepalm. 

"Come on! I'll grab the radar!" Bulma said, hurrying towards the house as everyone followed. 

"What are these dragon balls?" Tapion asked, looking around as he waited for an explanation. And what could that possible have to do with Yuuki?

"They grant wishes!" Trunks piped up, coming to a stop as his mother went on ahead to gather what they needed from the lab. "If you bring them all together you can summon Shenron and he'll grant you a wish." The young boy clarified, smiling at the amazed look on Tapion's face.

Hard to imagine such a thing exists... He thought, frowning as he remembered that whoever had kidnapped Yuuki would most likely wish for something evil. 

"Don't worry," Trunks added, not wanting his friend to be sad anymore. "We'll beat them up real good for taking Yuuki and they won't get to make their wish!"

"You're right Trunks." The red haired warrior realized, knowing he'd do whatever it took to bring his partner back. Not only that, but he was going to make whoever dared to lay a hand on his woman pay...

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