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I woke up today knowing I have just 2 days of vacation and to be honest my excitement is gone and in replace I got nervousness. So I been playing non stop bo2 multiplayer and zombies but not on mine but on my bros account cause i'm a bad sister that I don't help him out on leveling him up. Nothing really excited happened these past days just plain but weirdly fun. Lately I been singing Rude by Magic and let's just say it's really stuck in there REALLY STUCK. I be in the shower singing Rude. I be in my room singing Rude. I be in the car singing Rude. I be walking by cholos singing what? RUDE! XD by the way they told me to shut up. I also been saving up my money for a video games Call of Duty: Advance Warfare. Apparently they have robotzombies sounds cool but hard to kill cause we'll there robot And can robots really be Zombies? I think anything is possible now XD. Anyways I been really just plain old me

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