I'm feeling empty tonight,
And even if the stars are this bright,
I can't really smile in the dark.
I just want to lose my heart.I'm sinking
In this human tide.
And nothing can end
When I'm still sad.I don't want to be a human anymore.
I just have to stay a monster and beg.
For all of this, I feel ashamed.
Please, I don't want to become the main character.Could you have some pity ?
Just let me down deliberately.
I'm not a high quality
As a faded daisy.I'm feeling empty tonight.
And the one who can fill my heart
Doesn't care about my fear,
And lets me sink in the dark.Haki~
Recueil de poèmes
PoetryAvant je postais mes poèmes sur mon mur WattPad. Et puis on m'a proposé d'en faire un livre. Bien que généralement d'un style sombre, morose et dépressif, j'essaye sans relâche de diversifier mes poèmes vers la joie. Mon livre, c'est un jeu avec les...