100. "It".

29 8 2

A moonless night,  the sun was gone.
The cold wanted to fight this haunting home.
In black water, bloody tears were sinking.
All we heard is the creaking wooden-flooring.

Upstairs, It was looking through the window.
No stars, no moon, no light, just dark.
It caught all of this, It was so black.
It was a shadow, a sparkle shadow.

A dark figure, a scrawl, a stain.
As a head, stars and the Milky Way.
It was crying, crying again and again
And stars were brightening in its hollow brain.

It put a hand on the yellow curtain
And It maintained himself in order not to fall down.
Its tears wouldn't stop, they didn't have an end,
Because since the start, its pain had never been shown.

It started raining, the window was covered with drops.
Bloody drops as its tears.
Black water rose without hope,
Mixed with its painly tears.

It exploded, an explosion of lights.
Its heart sank in the dark,
Stars pulled up in the sky.
It became the star which sparkles.


Bonjour, bonsoir à tous !

Voici the last one, le dernier poème.
Il est en anglais, parce que ça sonnait mieux, mais la traduction française marche bien aussi.

Alors non, on ne se quitte pas là-dessus, bien évidemment ! J'ai sorti un deuxième recueil de poèmes du doux nom de Lucidité et je continue les petites histoires à côté.

Je vous invite donc à me rejoindre sur ce nouveau recueil, merci d'avoir suivi celui-ci et merci de tous les beaux compliments que vous m'avez fait !

Je vous aime ♡♡♡


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