Part one

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  Fran jolted back up to the ring alarm of the asylum.Not knowing what to do she bolted out into the street getting as far away as possible from that place .But  stopped a few minutes later in some alleyway to catch her breath and try to register what had just happened, all she could remember was a pitch black figure wearing a skull  telling her that she couldn't  escape, which confused her for a bit because she knew that someone had been there for the soul purpose of keeping her there. But that didn't matter , the important thing was that she had escaped that hell which was  one hundred times better than just a silly vision. Now all she had to do was go back to aunt's house and explain everything that had happened, and maybe all would be well.IF ONLY SHE COULD REMEMBER THE FRICKING  ADDRESS OF HER AUNT!Unfortunately for her she had been on so many drugs for so long that she couldn't remember a thing about the house. "Well great job Fran you forgot the one thing that could set you free,and now all you have are Drugs!" she thought to herself

But she knew if she just stood there doing  she would run the risk of getting caught by some police, who would never believe anything that would come out of her mouth. After all she was holding a bottle of pills,which she was reluctant to keep  just in case that thing came back.The only thing that made sense to her was to go up to any door to see if it was unlocked or not.She didn't even try to knock or ring the door bell cause she knew that they would all do the same thing, turn her in.And she knew she couldn't afford to have that happen to her, not when she had come so far.Finally there was one unlocked,she quickly got in and situated herself in a corner.At this point she didn't care that it looked super old and had cracks in the wall ,all she could do was hope.Hope that  the people of Addison apartments wouldn't noticed a weird looking girl sleeping in the corner.   

(whooo first part done. This is my first fanfic some don't be afraid of giving me feedback )

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