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"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" I wake up to a booming voice and jump up, feeling someone next to me do the same.

I open my eyes and look up to see an angry Niall and I look to my side and see a frightened Aisling, looking at her brother with wide eyes.

"Uh, good morning?" She says innocently.

"You. Out. I need to talk to Louis." He says to Aisling and she scurries out into the other room. Niall closes the door behind her and now it's just me and him.

He crosses his arms and looks at me, jaw tense as he taps his foot. "So, you wanna tell me what happened here? Why I wake up this morning to find Aisling, my BABY sister, not in her bed and instead, cuddled up in my best mates arms?"

I shrug sheepishly and rub the back of my neck, "she couldn't sleep last night... and uh, she came in to watch a movie. I guess we fell asleep. I'm sorry bro."

"I just... i can't even look at you right now..." He breathes heavily and tears his gaze away, "I'm going to go talk to Aisling."

I nod and he walks away, I feel guilt seep into my stomach. We shouldn't be sneaking around like this. I lean back and stare at the ceiling. Niall opens the adjoining door and Harry scurries in from the other side.

"You alright mate?" Harry asks.

"Not really. I've never seen him that mad at me, and he's never not been able to look at me." I sigh and cover my face with my hands.

"He won't, you know Niall. He can't stay angry for long." He says.

"I'm so stupid." I grumble, rubbing my forehead with my fingertips.

I hear some murmured voices on the other side and they progressively get louder until I hear Aisling's voice clearly.

"BECAUSE Niall! I am 19 years old! So what if I'm dating Louis! I'm allowed to date people! Wouldn't you rather me date Louis than some random creep! He's your best mate Niall and he treats me good and a lot better than the last guy! He wouldn't be like him... okay?" Her voice softens at the end and then the voices go back down to murmurs.

I smile at what she has to say but frown at the last part, what happened with the last guy?

There's some shuffling around on the other side before Niall emerges with Ash behind him. She gives me a small smile and Niall comes closer to me.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm okay with you and Aisling dating, but if you ever hurt her..." he said threateningly.

"I know, I know Niall. I totally get it and don't worry, I know the whole big brother speech. I'm sorry for sneaking around behind your back. I should've just talked to you about it."

He nods and we share a quick hug.

I sit down and Harry, Liam, and Zayn all peer in. "Is it safe?" They chorus and we all laugh and nod.

They all come in and sit down and Aisling comes and sits next to me. I cautiously wrap an arm around her waist, not making it too obvious since I wasn't sure what Niall was okay with it.

~Aisling's POV~

I sit down next to Louis and his arm wraps around my waist and I smile. I'm happy Niall is fine with it. It just took a bit of explaining, a few promises and reminding him of our bet, but I couldn't be that mad at him of course, he was my older brother and he would always be overprotective.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Harry asks curiously.

"Well, the thing is, we are kinda stuck here. Paps are flooding the outside of the hotel and management doesn't want us outside unless it's undercover." Liam sighs.

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