Untitled Part 1

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Before I start this book, I want to dedicate this entire book to Bobby Cervantez. I want to do this because she has given me an idea. One of her comments in the first book, gave me a good idea. So thank you Bobby Cervantez.


6 Years later...

It's been the best 6 years ever. We named our new little girl Elena Alexandra Hathaway-Belikov. She is 6 years old. Nia is now 12 years old. They are both very bright. Elena has my appetite, eyes, hair, & body. She has Dimitri's love of books, cowboys, & facial features.

" Rose."

" Yeah. What's up Alberta?"

" I have to tell you something."

" Okay. What is it?"

" Lissa has excaped."

" OMFG. How? That place was full of guards!"

" We don't know how."

" How long has she been gone?"

" We estimated about two hours." 

" Hey Roza." I turned around and was met with my king. Literally.

" I'll talk to you later. I'll see you later."

" Okay. Bye."

" Bye." 

" Hey Comrade. What do you need?"

" Why would you think I need something?" I always know when he wants something. 

" Okay. I do need something."

" What is it?"

" I umm. have to tell you something." Oh God. I have a feeling it's bad. Before he could tell me, I kissed him. It was full of regret, sorry, sadness, & goodbye?!

" What's wrong? That kiss wasn't like one of our normal ones."

" I know. I don't know how to tell you this but..."

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