Rules + Forms

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1- I do accept Joke Sues, but if your character is a joke sue, please state it, also don't expect me to put it as first choice in my rating system

2- For the love of all that you believe, USE FREAKIN COLONS! It doesn't need to be colons, but if I see this

Name Lucy

Age 16

It will not be ranked. You can use any sort of symbol so long as it is distinguishable
Including (but not limited to)
» : ; ||

3- This is for WoF creations ONLY! I will not accept OCs of any sort if they are not of the WoF universe!

4- Pls try for correct grammar.

5- Do not spam me if I take a little while. I am not the quickest of writers and I want to get your rate absolutely perfect!

6- I take self inserts. Got on OC whose love interest is a canon character? Cool same. Just keep the interaction realistic

7- I also do fantribe OCs. Just, lots of description on their tribe please.

8- Honestly inspired by rating queen Oaapha and the fantabulous WAFFLEZYAIBOI give them both a follow

Character Forms

Time Period» (at what point in the canon timeline did this OC come about)

AU?» (is this an AU/alternate universe? If so what sort?)

Name» (character name)

Name Meaning» (okay this is mainly for you fancy people with names like 'Onding' or some fancy ass thing. Explain why your character was given this name, and if it has special meaning, ect, ect)

Nicknames» (what do their friends call them? Anything?)

Nicknames Meanings» (why do they have those nicknames? Where did they come from?)

Sexuality» (what different genders are they interested in? Are they interested?)

Age» (how old is your character?)

Gender» (both biological and the gender they identify as)

Tribe» (which tribe are they from? Are they a hybrid?)

Tribe Appearance» (this applies to fantribe characters ONLY. What does their tribe normally appear like?)

Queen of Allegiance» (what queen are they allied with? Who do they support?)

Powers» (NightWing moon powers? Fire breathing? Give a list!)

Personality» (go into detail! The longer the better. How does your character behave? What way do they react in certain situations?)

Religion» (are they very religious? If so, what do they believe?)

Fears» (what truely terrifies your character? Spiders? Thunder?)

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