Chapter 5: Panic

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A/N: There is a lot of changing point of view so bare with me lol ;-;

Jimin's P.O.V.

I was walking down out dim hallway, my bag in hand,

when I heard a sound come from the bathroom.

The sound of metal hitting tile.

I stopped.

I knocked on the door.

I was not answered with voice but the sound of someone hitting the floor.

I knocked again.

"Is someone in there?" I asked. "If you don't answer me I'm coming in."

Nothing again.

Thankfully, the door was unlocked as I twisted the handle.

I pushed the door open.

The entire world froze,

I stopped dead in my tracks,

my heart skipped a beat,

my bag was the only thing moving as it fell from my hand.


Oh God.


The next thing I know Namjoon-Hyung and I are sitting on the bathroom floor with Jin-Hyung,

Yoongi Hyung's calling an ambulance,

Tae and Jungkook are getting paper towels.

And Hoseok-Hyung is helping Yoongi with the phone call.

As soon as we got the towels Namjoon unwrapped a long strip and folded it many times.

He put it on Hyung's wrist where it was...cut....and b-bleeding.

My stomach flipped.

"Jimin hold this on."

I held the paper towel firmly on Hyung's wrist.

He did the same to the other.

"Taehyung hold the paper towels, Hoseok you apply them when needed! Jungkook and I are carrying Jin. Jimin you are helping Yoongi-hyung with any call he needs help on!" Namjoon yelled at us. "MOVE!"

Everything after was like a blur.

Namjoon's P.O.V.

Everything happened so fast.

The next thing I know I'm riding in the back on an ambulance with Jimin, the other four are driving there, while doctors bandage Jin's arms.

"I'm afraid it's too dangerous to put in stitches and the moment." The doctor looked at us, a faint hint of pity in his eyes.

I didn't respond.

"Do you know what happened?" He questioned.

"N-no.." Jimin weakly whispered.

We arrived at the hospital and Hyung was rushed into a room.

We waited out side completely silent.

Like the air was too thick with panic to even breath,

like the smallest noise was going to shatter our fragile Hyung.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

I was drowning in overwhelming anxiety.



'What if my precious oldest brother dies?'

'Did he not like us?'


The door opened and the doctor came out.

"I'm glad to inform you that Kim SeokJin will be okay and can be released when he wakes up tomorrow morning."

Everyone let out a shake breath that we didn't know we were holding.

"You guys may go in. I'll explain everything when Mr.Kim wakes up." He left.

I stood up almost instantly and rushed into the room.

Tears were threatening my pride as I saw my Jin-Hyung asleep on a bed.

His wrists were bandaged and I assume stitched underneath.

The tears pushed forward with every step closer.

I was at his side when I took a seat.

I grabbed his hand and held on to it,

like if I let go I was going to lose him.

Then, like a magic spell, his touch caused everything I had been holding in to spill through my eyes.

Taehyung's P.O.V.

Everyone, including me, was surprised to see that Kookie was the first to cry.

He sat next to Hyung, clutching his hand for dear life as tears poured from his cheeks.

I took a seat next to him.

I tried to calm my heavy breathing,

but every breath I took hurt.

Eventually I gave up and cried into Jungkook's shoulder as he cried into our Hyung's arm.

Yoongi's P.O.V.

As soon as I registered that my Hyung was going to be okay tears started lightly dripping from my eyes.

That small storm only escalated when I saw our Maknaes', Hobi and Namjoon all crying hysterically over out sleeping Jin.

That night we all refused to leave SeokJin's side.

We all fell asleep crying

Well all were exhausted and wracked with anxiety.

That singer had a shit ton of explaining to do.


A/N: I'm honestly not proud of this chapter, it was a little rushed and boring... It's also unedited sooooooo ;-;

But anyway thank you guys for all the support!! I hope you enjoyed none the less. See you next chapter.

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