Can I help you?

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The case was full of letters and had what seemed to be an electronic device which surely contained important information from what Jake used to do or wanted Clary to know, but what had sent her running towards the door of that coffee shop was what was underneath from all that.

The money.

Piles of hundred dollar bills layed inside the case, startling her. Making her run out from the coffee shop before any curious customer could realize what was happening.

She understood now what Damian meant when he said she'll look suspicious retrieving the money from the bank herself.

"Listen Clary, Jake worked with a bigger amount of money than what you can imagine" His words echoed in her mind like an irritating hammer sound that wouldn't stop.

She was at the park that rounded Swift's Lake now, standing next to a bench and looking straight into the water.

To most she would've seemed deep in thought or even interesting but to herself, she knew she was so lost. Lost in thought, lost in time. She felt so insecure at the time, she wasn't even sure if taking a step forward was a good decision. She was walking on thin ice and she knew it.

She felt his presence before he saw his face. She was so fearful at first, so afraid to turn around and look at his new companion, but when he started coughing she knew he requested her attention.

"Can I help you?" Her voice didn't quiver, a great improvement from her previous conversation with Damian.

"You seem a little bit lost so the real question here is, can I help you?" His hands were in his pockets and a big smirk was carved on his face.

He didn't look dangerous at all, but still Clary couldn't help but feel a little bit suspicious.

"I'm okay, thank you"

Her eyes said that the conversation was over while his read it wasn't anywhere near being over yet. So he chose to surprise her, to talk to her about something he wasn't supposed to know in order to keep her at place for a while longer.

"Do you know how much money you've got on your hands?" He said staring at her directly into her eyes as if he knew everything about her and why she was walking around alone at those hours, but the thing is she had no idea who he was and there was no way she was going to give him any sort of information.

He was satisfied when he saw the surprised look that clouded the girl's face, proof that his new tactic had worked and that she wasn't going anywhere, at least not yet.

"Im sorry, what are you talking about?" Of course she knew about the money, but she let the confused expression slip into her face. Im not stupid, she thought, I'm not gonna go around talking about my dead's boyfriend money with some random dude I stumbled upon.

"Look I know you are confused but you have to trust me. I'm not who you are running from" He talked slowly and in a low voice, as if there was someone else in that deserted park who was going to be able to hear them.

And that's what scared her the most, if this guy ended up being a rapist or a thief, there would be no way anyone could save her. They were alone, she and the guy who knew a little too much.

"I'm not running away from anyone" She replied with an irritated tone, then she turned around to walk away but he was quicker, and stronger, so he managed to keep her in place.

"Clary wait" How does he know my name?

"What do you want? I already told you I'm not running from anyone nor I need your help, you can let me go now." She said with an icy look, trying to sound as intimidating as she could but even she knew that her trembling voice and little frame wasn't fooling anyone.

Her brain was exploding with millions of questions and ideas, one part of her was dying from curiosity, wanting to know as soon as possible who this beautiful stranger was and why did he looked so familiar to her; but the other saner part of her was making a recap from that self-defense course she took with Jake not so long ago.

If he doesn't let go on the count to three, just look for his weak spot and hit as hard as you can. It couldn't be that hard, could it? Now breath.



"Im Harry" He said taking her hand in his in a kind of awkward handshake

"Have we met before?" She took her hand from his, starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Harry Hall" Harry Hall?

"Hall? Are you...?" The look on his face was enough confirmation for Clary that yes, he was from the same Hall's she had met before.

That name, that face... Everything started making sense and the dots in her head started connecting faster than what she had thought was possible. The information he just gave her affected her in so many ways that she felt like she might explode.

Get away from him. Now. He must know everything, there isn't anymore time.

Those were the only thoughts running through her mind, aside from his name, and she decided to put in practice those self-defense movements. She hit him, as hard as she could, where the sun doesn't get to shine and sent him to the floor, crying out in pain.

Good, now run.

She took off running, without even daring to take a second glance behind her to see if he was following her. She got into the nearest cab and asked the driver to take her her home.

She was half-smiling, feeling self satisfied because she knew the blow she had given him would be one Jake and her instructor would be proud of; but also she was feeling confused and even sadder than when she decided to take that walk because she knew exactly who that guy was and what he wanted.

Or at least she thought she knew what he wanted.


Harry Hall, huhh😏😏?
Short chap bc I had it sort of planned to end it like this.
Thanks for reading and voting, it means a lot!!
(Next update will be in this week)
PS. Vote if you think school sucks ;) xx

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