Blast From The Past

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A/N So this is the season 2 cast but let's pretend Kendra is a part of that team.
Of course Damien had decided to screw with time...again.

The Legends were headed to Star City, 2016.

They didn't know where this adress would lead them but they sure as hell were in for a surprise when they got there.

Sara led the team through the streets of Star City while Nate managed to give out directions to her.

"Okay turn left here." He directs her.

Sara turns the corner, shortly followed by Nate, then Amaya and Mick with the Proffessor and Jax behind them. Ray flies closely behind the group as well while Kendra walks beside Nate.

"Stay alert, Damien's near." Nate informs the team.

They make one last turn into an old building.

The team takes out their weapons and readys in case of a fight.

The team stops at the aound of a voice, "She'll remeber who she is, we just have to be patient."

Sara stops her team just before a corner.

"Ray," she whispers behind her, "can you shrink down and find out what's happening?"

"Roger that, c'pt." Ray says and they hear the small noise of Ray shrinking down.

The team waits for multiple minutes, waiting for Ray to come back and listening to the very familiar voices that fill the silence of the room.

"We're your family. We love you." A girl speaks.

"Who-who am i?" A voice speaks.

Sara immeditaly straightens and the whole team looks at her.

Flashes of memory go through her mind and that's when she whispers "I remeber."

Amaya, who's standing beside her, looks at her strangly, afraid to hear the answer, "What do you remeber?"

Sara's eyes snap from her memories and over to her friends/teammates.

"That's uh, that's me down there but at the same time it's not. It's complicated, but uh it's not me." Sara explains afraid of how her team will react. She knows none of them will understand what the pit had done to her, except maybe Ray...maybe.

"Are you okay?" She heard a man ask, her father.

"Yeah yeah," Laurel replies, oh how Sara missed her sister so much. "she-she just needs a little more time."

Sara waits a few moments, knowing that the two are leaving.

But what doesn't add up is the pair of footsteps echoing through the warehouse shortly after.

"Well, well, well, Ms. Lance-"

Sara doesn't need to hear another word to know who that is, she motions to the team and they all run from the corner.

Moving down the stairs the team comes face to face with Damien Darhk and another Sara.

This Sara was dressed in all black, her hair wet and knotted into sections, her eyes dark and expression blank while she huddles in the corner, tugging on the chains that bound her to the concrete wall.

"Wow!" Damien turns to look at the Legends.

"Two Sara Lances and a team of Legends, my day just keeps getting better and better." He smiles.

Damiens eyes twitch with evil as he fiddles with his hands readying to use his magic.

A voice can be heard saying "I wouldn't count on that."

Suddenly Damien is flung into the air and Ray enlargens behind him.

Damien lands on his back on the ground and Sara is quick to react by taking her staff and holding it to Damiens neck.

Ray keeps his laser blasts pointed as well as Kendra whose mace is at the ready.

Damien laughs and smirks at the team.

"It's not that easy, sorry." He smirks before a wave of his hand sends Kendra into the wall.

She drops her mace and grabs her pounding head, trying to recover while being helped up by Amaya.

Ray and Sara make sure to stay trained on Damien, with Mick now adding in the extra threat of his heat gun.

Damien laughs, his signature smirk settling on his face.

He waves his hand quick and each member of the team is thrown backwards in a wall.

Damien continues to laugh, "You thought it would be that easy to capture me." He laughs at his own thoughts.

His smirk and laugh dissapear once he stands up straight, "Okay, enough with the kiddy games."

He flicks his hand towards the two Legends that have managed to stand; Kendra and Sara.

They fly back towards the wall once again.

When Kendra lands she finds herself beside Sara, but not the present day Sara, she finds herself beside physco Lazerous Pit Sara who scrabbles towards her, almsot growling.

Kendra shrieks a little as the chain bounding Sara's hands are wrapped around her neck.

All the Legends begin to stand and stare panickingly at their past captain who seems to be choking her soon to be teammate.

Sara stares in shock and disbelief, not giving orders or fighting back or anything, she just stares.

"Sara!" Amaya calls, shaking her and helping her out of her state of shock.

Sara shakes her head to rid her mind of her thoughts.

"Amaya, Nate, help Kendra, the rest of us got Darhk." She orders with a growl.

Amaya summons the asche of a gorilla to help a steeled-up Nate pry physco Sara off of Kendra.

Sara turns to Darhk who is staring at her with a smirk. "I came here to kill your past self, but this will be much more satisfying."

Sara charges at him with a snarled look but he simply waves his hand and tosses her aside.

Ray fires a blast but only nicks Damiens shoulder.

Mick fires his gun and hits Damiens shoulder.

Damien grunts in pain and then finally has had enough.

"Enough!" He yells, sending everybody back into the wall.

A few members of the team end up knocked out on the floor while others stand as quickly as they can.

When Sara, Kendra, Nate and Mick scramble to their feet, Damien is no where to be seen.

They look around frantically looking for the criminal and Sara lets out a big sigh when she realizes he's gone.

Looking back at her past self, then around at her teammates, she realizes she has a lot more explaining to do.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow- Sara Lance/White Canary One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now