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"Okay, here we are," Nolan pointed to Atkinson Car Parts CO. "She was here- how long ago?"

"It says here," Ian tapped his laptop screen.

"One hour ago," Kent exclaimed. "You kidding me?!"

"We aren't far behind," Rylan agreed. "We need to keep track. Where are they now?"

"A hotel," Ian whispered. "About twenty minutes from here."

Blake opened the door to her hotel room after she had taken a shower. Someone had knocked but no one was there when she opened the door.

"Well then," she was about to shut the door when Duke snatched something. "What you got there?"

She pulled the envelope from his snout, turning it. It wasn't addressed to anyone so Blake being Blake, opened it anyways. It was an old newspaper about six years ago. The first article was written in big bold letters.

The Real Racer Tragedy by Rowan Brantley

Blake furrowed her eyebrows, reading the article.

Renly Barnes

Blake shut the newspaper, looking up, straight at Rowan's door across the hall.

Rowan was sitting at his desk, writing when he heard Blake's door shut. Getting up, he called out for Blake before he managed to get the door open. When he did, the cold hard slap left him stun for a moment. Blake's disappointed and angry eyes glared at him.

"H-How could you," Blake managed to say. "Look at me and not tell me."

"Tell you what," Rowan opened the door a bit wider.

"My bro-," her voice broke. "You lied. I told you- I told you I never knew what happened to my brother and you stared at me and did not tell me, you knew?!"

Rowan's gaze dropped to the newspaper clutched in her hand.

"This," she shoved the newspaper into his chest. Rowan pulled out the newspaper, seeing his name on the byline.

"It- it was a story," Rowan began. "It was one of my first stories- when you told me, I didn't think it was the best time to tell you."

"When did you think keeping my own brothers death was going to protect me?! How could you do something like that to me?! Me?!"

"Blake- I'm sorry," Rowan tried to grab her hand. Blake pulled her hands back, staring at him.

"This- right here, was a mistake," Blake whispered.


"We shouldn't never met," Blake harshly snapped. "This is where you and I draw the line."

"Blake please," Rowan begged. "Let me explain-."

"Explain," Blake asked. "You had plenty of time- right now, I don't even want to see you. Don't you even dare follow me."

Blake sat alone at the cafe, trying to think her way into Atkinson's company. If the man was a fraud, a thief to top it off, she needed to be careful. There was one problem, her emotions were getting the best of her.

"Entschuldigen Sie, möchten Sie etwas anderes," the waiter smiled politely after he had slid a small napkin with a smiley face on it. He had seen the way she seemed sad and angry so he drew her that, hoping to see her smile. Blake glanced over at the man before returning a small smile, grabbing the napkin.

"Nein danke ... warte mal, hast du Alkohol," Blake raised her head, trying to get ready for what laid ahead. The man held a stifled laugh, before raising his eyes to meet hers.

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