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"Where is this kid," Kent glanced down at his watch, hearing Rylan trying to reach him on the phone. "We need to go!"

"NOLAN," Raleigh barked, marching up to the SUV. "Where is she?"

"What," Nolan asked perplexed. Raleigh didn't seem to be in the mood in playing with them. This was the most serious thing that has happened in this town for years, and there was no way in the world Raleigh was going to let sentimentality to get the best of him.

"Where is Blake?"

"She was at the shop last I saw her."

"Is that so? We arrested her about thirty minutes ago and now she is completely gone. Where did you hide her?"

"Whoa," Ian held his hand out. "You arrest Blake for what?"

"Thief-," Raleigh glared at the four men. Rylan could not believe his ears right now. This man was seriously accusing her of a thief and he didn't even have any stroke of mercy in him.

"For what," Kent snapped.

"Four hundred million dollars worth of gold," Raleigh raised his eyebrows, trying to pick up anything from the boys.

"This way," Blake jerked Rowan through her barn, down into the cellar. Duke barked angrily at something outside but they had to ignore him. After Blake told Rowan what had happened in that office, Atkinson's threat started to make a whole lot more sense. "They did. If they couldn't frame me at my shop-."

"They would bring the remaining one hundred million dollars worth of gold here," Rowan stared at the stacked boxes. "I can't believe it."

"They barely put it in here," Blake saw how the straw hay was scattered around the cellar. She hadn't been down here in months so that only meant one thing. "We need to stop him!"

"Then lets go," Rowan climbed up the ladder, running out for the truck. The rain was really coming down now so when the lightning crashed, Blake saw the slashed tire. Rowan who was already sitting in the passenger seat, raised his hands wondering why she was taking so long. She mentioned him to follow as she ran back into the barn, grabbing her frightened horse. "You are taking that now?!"

"They slashed the tires, this is our last remedy," she hopped on. "Get Boxer, follow me!"

Rowan without hesitation grabbed the gray stallion, chasing the redhead on her buckskin horse, down through the fields. With the rain splashing in his face and the mud flying from the horse hooves, Rowan could hardly see anything. This didn't stop Blake who was racing for the woods where she could see the taillights of a car racing through the trees. She just knew it was Reynolds and Wallace trying to make their getaway. Duke who was now far behind, tried his best to keep up but it wasn't very easy. Horses roughly ran at forty-five miles an hour and the best dogs at thirty but right now, they were chasing down a car going at least sixty.

"We won't catch them," Rowan screamed over the thunder. Blake didn't stop, and she wasn't going to. "Blake! Cut them off! That way!"

Rowan turned his horse for a steeper trail, leading up the mountain. Blake jerked Spartan, her horse up the trail behind Rowan, trying to get a better view of the dark trail up ahead. Now she was beginning to realize the bad idea of giving into a chase this late at night.

"Down there," Rowan pointed to the car barely reaching a small rest. "You go up ahead in case they decide to slip."

Blake looked over at him, not sure to let him go on his own but his reassured "go" made her agree. Taking Spartan down the trail, Blake inhaled a shaky breath, cantering her horse for it. Rowan, heading up, stopped his horse on the ridge, shielding his eyes from the blinding headlights. He kept going up instead.

"REYNOLDS, GET OUT," Blake screamed. The door opened, as a man stepped out. All four doors were now open, revealing four men. They stepped forward, showing themselves to her. "Raleigh?"

"Barnes," he replied.

"Rusty," Robbie called out. Robbie, the second mechanic in town, sneered at her presence. Reynolds and Atkinson were the right in front of her as they dragged her off the horse, forcing her to stand in front of them. "Nice little turn of events isn't it? This entire little gig, all for you."

"Yeah, thanks for that, I was getting a little bored," she quipped. Raleigh rolled his eyes. "It all started with you, didn't it Robbie? Never liked me as a mechanic anyways, did you? Where's Wallace?"

"That's an interesting thing to say," Atkinson smirked. "Problem is that's not true. Don't you worry about Wallace, he should be miles from here."

"Oh, right, how could I have been so stupid," Blake gritted.

"You think you're gonna get off that easy," Atkinson asked.

"I am tired of chasing you around the world so, yeah," Blake replied. The siren's flashed right behind them, catching them completely off guard. This even caught Blake off guard, because she did not even suspect them either. Reynold's took one final drastic move when the Chief yelled at them to stand down. Diving for the open cop car, Reynolds took off, flying at full speed for Spartan and Blake. Yelling, Blake wrapped her arms around her horse's neck as the horse bolted aside. "No! Come on!"

Whistling loudly, she forced her horse to give into the chase. She could hear the boys yelling for her to stop but she completely ignored them, like she would do in the usual. It didn't take long to see those red taillights going straight down. She watched in horror as Reynold's hit a tree head on. Racing down the muddy slope, Blake forced Spartan to stop, as she saw Reynolds fall out of the car onto his back.

Leaning down to get a better look at his face, Reynolds used all his weight to push her off of him. With the sudden movement, Blake hit her forearm on a rock when she hit the ground. Crying in pain, Blake huddled her arm seeing Reynolds grab Spartan's reins, pulling himself on the horse.

"STOP," Blake screamed, knowing what was laying ahead of them. The plain fields in Wyoming weren't all plain fields. "REYNOLDS!"

The man was already galloping away, disappearing into the dark night.

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