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-Chapter eight-

"Always, always, always believe in yourself. Because if you don't, who will sweetie?" -Marilyn Monroe

As I stormed out of his office, I wasn't upset that I literally just told him a summary of my life, in fact I could care less.

"Annabelle, get back in here!" my aunt yelled from the waiting room. "What do you want?" I yelled back turning back to face her.

"Get back in there!" she screamed even louder. I knew that she didn't leave room for an argument so I marched back into Dr. Lanson's office.

"Oh so you came back?" he said, sitting down in the chair. "Belle I want to talk to you about what you told me." he said. "I don't want to." I said, looking down at my hands that were intertwined together.

"Listen, I want you to meet someone, she is actually here today. Let me go grab her." He said leaving me alone in his office.

As I looked around I saw several pictures of his family. In one photo he was standing with a tall brunette woman with green eyes. Next to who I guess was his wife, was a girl that looked about twenty. She had her mother's brown hair but her father's blue eyes. She had fair skin and a petite figure.

"Belle this Ameriah, my daughter. I'll let you to talk." He said. I looked over to the girl walking over to me, she was the girl from the picture.

"Hi I'm Ameriah, but please call me Meriah." She said taking a seat on the chair where Dr. Lanson sits. "I know what you're going through." She said. "I don't believe you." I replied.

"Well let's start with the age of twelve shall we?" she said as more of a statement. "When I was twelve I was bullied during school. That went on until my freshman year. That year I became depressed and I started to cut myself and started to lose hope." She said, pausing.

"Then I met this guy, who told me that he could watch a thousand sunrises and they would not be a beautiful as me. I believed him. We dated for a year and he kept pushing me to do things that I didn't want to do. So one night we were at my house and my parents were out on a date, and he raped me." I looked at her as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"I was left crying in my bed naked and bruised, while he left laughing. My parents found me later that night with me in that bed, in the same state I was in before, but with an empty bottle of pills in my hand and me lying there cold as ice cream. I almost died, but luckily I had an awesome doctor who saved my life." I continued to listen to her, realizing that she has been a lot.

"We went to the cops, and he was found guilty for rape. The one thing I want to tell you is I know you were raped, I can tell a victim when I see one and I won't tell a soul but you need to go to the court. They will say it is not rape if she enjoyed it, but you need to prove them wrong, you need to tell them it was forced. Okay?" she said.

"I'm terrified." I admitted. She looked at me strait in the eyes and whispered, "But honey, sometimes being afraid is showing how strong you are and someday I promise you will be able to look in your bathroom mirror and say I made it." She told me grabbing me into a big bear hug.

I let out a so I've been holding back for a while. "I'm so scared." I said into her shoulder. "It is the beginning of October, take a while to think about it all, but just so you know, when you are ready you just come to me." she said pulling back.

"Thank you." I said. "No problem, and by the way your session is over. I will see you tomorrow which is Sunday right?" she asked. "Yea" I replied as we bid our goodbyes.

I got up and walked out of the door, and over to my aunt who was waiting patiently with a Cosmo magazine in her hand.

"Let's go auntie." I said. She got up and we made our way to the car. "Mind telling me why you didn't come home last night?" she asked.

What will I tell her? That I was raped because that is not an option. "I had a movie night at Jason's house and I ended up falling asleep." It wasn't a complete lie that what pretty much happened.

"Okay next time just let me know." She said with a slight smile. My phone started ringing before I could reply. I picked up not bothering waiting for a reply.

"Hello?" I said. "Hello is this Belle?" the person asked but I recognized that voice. "Yea is this Jason?" I asked.

"Yea how did you know?" he asked and I could tell he was smirking. "Your voice smart one." I said rolling my eyes. "Don't get snappy, but I want to hear about your therapy session." He said. "Can I just come over and talk?" I asked but immediately regretting it.

Wouldn't I be disgusting to have around? "Sorry forge-"
"Yes you can come over." He said. "Are you sure I mean I'm just ew." I said scrunching up my nose in disgust. "Shut up and get your cute little butt over here." I looked at my phone in confusion.

"What butt?" I blurted and all I could here was his laughter echoing through his house. I immediately became aware of what I said. "I'll be there in a minute." I mumbled and hung up.

I am so stupid but I mean I already knew that.

"Can you drive me to Jason's?" I asked my aunt. "Be home by ten or if you are staying over please call Me." she said and I nodded my head.

I gave her the address and in five minutes we were at his house. I got out of the car and started walking up the drive way to his front door. I rang the doorbell and not a second later I was pulled into his house.

"Oh and to answer your question I was talking about this butt." He said while slapping my behind. My face immediately heat up and I playfully pushed his shoulder.

"I won't hesitate on walking out of here." I said pointing to the door. "No! I'm sorry!" he said rather quickly and quite loud may I add. I laughed and walked into the main room. "So how did it go?" he asked.

I sat down and pointed at the couch across from me telling him to sit. "Uhm well I got there and I pretty much blurted random things out and stormed out of the therapy room. My aunt yelled at me so I went back in." I said and he let out an unattractive snort.

I gave him a glare and he put his hands up in surrender. "As I was saying I walked back into the room and my therapist said he had someone for me to talk to and it was his daughter. She said how she was raped and knew I was also and trust me I don't know how she did."

I said pausing for a second. "She told me that I should go to court with it and push through it." I said.

"Well do you want to?" Jason asked. "I'm terrified Jason, there is so much more things that is a part of it other than rape. You only know bits of it and if I went to court with just rape than I would have to tell them my whole past and I can't do that yet." I said letting out a huge breath.

"Well when your ready, I'll be there okay?" he said. "You promise?" I asked. "I promise." He said.

I may not be ready. I may never be ready. One thing is for sure though, it needs to be done no matter what.

"Jason?" I asked. "I know my decision and I know I'm going to regret it." I said. I told him my decision and I pulled out my phone.

"911 what's your emergency?" the person said.

Well here goes nothing

"Hello? I would like to report a rape." I said while gripping onto Jason's hand.

Poem eight:

The World

And yet when I said my prayers to-day

A whisper inside me seemed to say

"You are more than the Earth, though you are such a dot:

You can love and think and the earth cannot.

-W. B Rands.


I UPDATED!!!!!!!!! Uhm so it might seem like I'm rushing this story just a bit but I'm not because this story is currently taking place in the month of October and will end in the month of May so it's got a ways to go. Anyway leave a comment, vote, and share your thoughts! Also the spacing is being really weird so sorry about that!

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