So much so many
So little so few
This is because your facts
Well they lack
A certain amount of proof
A book a book
What need you more than a book
On skin of animals and tablets of stone
On mountains by rivers you would say
None of which decayed
Languages three it be
But all the same no matter the tongue it say
The same of each no different from the rest
Not to say just the few things you do
To argue with those to who there lives devoted
Learning all they can surely they know more than you
Youth youth you cry but truly old it resides
The same the same you cry but the more heat there be
Flat flat you cry but round about it be
So just seems silly to say
That one should believe
A silly old book and a silly old man
poems, quotes, and other oddities of atheism
SpiritualA book with quotes and poems short stories and scientific data in regards to the infallibility of atheism