Chapter 3

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You: Just me and you hemmings
Luke: Great
He goes to the living room and I follow
You: So what do you want to talk about?
Luke: Nothing, shush
You: No, talk to me
Luke: About what
You: Ooo let's play 20 questions
Luke: Really
You: Yes, you first
Luke: Ugh fine. Do you have a crush on anyone in the band?
You: Nah
Luke: Cool, your turn.
You: Do you have a big dick
Luke: I'm not playing anymore
You: Haha small dick
Luke: Its not small
You: Lies
Luke: Its 8 inches
I choked on nothing
You: What
Luke: Yeah, my turn. If you would fuck anyone in the band who would it be.
You: Michael...
Luke: Liar
You: If I asked you to have sex what would you say
Luke: You wouldn't be able to handle me
You: Your turn hemmings
This is the right Luke

Luke: If jack asked you out what would you say.
You: No he's my best friend, plus he has a girlfriend. Sexiest girl you know
Luke hesitated to answer but looked at me weirdly.
Luke: Um, I don't know
You: Yes you do
Luke: No I don't
You: Liar
Luke: If Ashton asked you to have sex with him what would you say
You: Fuck yeah
Luke: Of course you would
You: I don't lie. If was a different person would you fuck me
Luke: Can you stop asking me questions that are related to you.
You: Why
Luke: Its annoying
You: Fine

We carried on playing and then got bored SK he put on some TV. I went upstairs for s bit but then decided to get a drink. I walked past the living room and I saw some weird ass thing in TV. I walked back to the door way and realised it was a porn movie. I then saw Luke wanking. He wasn't joking about 8 inches I think I nearly died.

You: Woah hemmings
Luke: Ellie!
You: Haha your weren't lying about your size
Luke: For fuck sake Ellie why did you sneak down!?
You: I didn't you were to busy having fin with yourself to hear me
Luke: Just leave
You: You can watch it I'll go into the kitchen
Luke: Just give me time to finish
You: Haha okay hemmings

I walked to the kitchen but then came back. It was funny because the porn movie was paused and he was still wanking.

You: Hemmings!
Luke: I'll just do this later.
You: The things still paused that's all
Luke: Yep well you've ruined it now so it doesn't matter
He gets up but I stop him from getting out
You: You've still got a hard on
Luke: Well some one won't let me finish
You: I was just telling you it was still paused
Luke: Thanks but it doesn't matter now
You: What you going to do
Luke: Finish what I started in my room.

He went upstairs but just to be that little extra I followed him.

Luke: Oh my days
You: Let's go sit on your bed
Luke: I give up
He followed what you said and closed the door behind him.
You: Why were you watching porn in the middle of the day
Luke: I needed to take my mind of something
You: What was it
Luke: It doesn't matter
You: Tell me
Luke: No
You: Why
Luke: Cause it doesn't matter
You: But it does
Luke: No it doesn't
You: Please
Luke: No
You: Please
He was getting annoyed
Luke: No
You: Please
Luke: I said no
You: Just tell m....
Luke: It was to take my mind of you for fuck sake!!

Woah, Luke was thinking about me... I'm shook but kinda happy at the same time although I had no idea what to do or say so I just acted.

Luke: There you go
You: You like me
Luke: Nah I thought I would randomly tell you that I can't take my fucking mind of you. You are driving me crazy. I like you, I like you a lot.
You: I'm... I don't know what to say
Luke: Nothing just go. Your my brothers best friend this can't happen...

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