Bellamy and Raven [Chapter 53]

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                Bjorn scooped some water in his hands and washed his face off after discarding the face guard he had been wearing; blood had seeped through the cracks and left a tattoo-like pattern of red. The river ran red with the Reaper’s blood, and Bjorn glanced over at me; his face not clean, but no longer blood stained.

                With my left hand gripping my right wrist, I stood awkwardly, looking at Bjorn and his effortless movements.

                “Come on.” He guided, “Clean up.”

                “I…” I had no words in the moment.

                “Your first kill?”

                I nodded slowly.

                “It gets easier.”

                When I stood in the same spot, my lips unmoving despite the words I wanted to say, Bjorn stepped away from the river, his boots dripping and looking heavier. Walking towards me, he rested his hand on my shoulder and guided me to a large boulder on the edge of the rushing waters. I sat down and he pulled a dark cloth from his person and doused it in the cold river water, then came back to me and crouched in front of me, rubbing my cheeks where the blood had stained them.

                My eyes studied Bjorn as he cleaned me up, though neither of us spoke while he was touching me. He was alive, and that brought joy to my being. However, I wondered if he hated me for blowing up the bridge without warning at least him. He had saved me twice now, and asked nothing of me in return. My stomach churned as I feared what he might say when he was done cleaning me up.

                “There is some in your hair… and your clothes.” He stepped back, looking over me.

                “Oh.” I replied, then stood up and pulled my shirt from over my head, throwing it to the ground. I kicked my boots off and removed my pants, panties and bra. Bjorn watched with a hint of surprise in his look, but also confidence and keen interest.

                Walking into the bitter cold river, likely glacier fed, I waded in until the water was at my hips, and then sunk under. I had enough strength to hold myself under and in the same spot even against the current. My eyes shut, I held myself under the water until my lungs felt as though they were about to burst. Running my hands through my hair, I stood up again and felt the warm sun on my cheeks. My body was shaking, though I wasn’t sure if it was from the river’s chill or the incident with the Reapers. Bjorn was still watching me, a neutral but thoughtful expression on his face.

                “You’re going to freeze if you stay in there any longer.”

                I turned towards him, a faint smile on my lips, and stepped over the loose rocks at the bottom of the icy river. Taking his hand as I climbed out of the river, he helped me out and then handed me my clothes. They were still stained and damp from the blood, and I had no intentions of putting them back on; not yet.

                Without my clothing I felt even smaller standing next to Bjorn, but that didn’t stop me from reaching my hand up and gripping his long hair, pulling his lips to mine in a hasty kiss. The man was not as surprised as he had been when I was undressing, and even then he had hardly showed any sign of emotion. Just as the first time we kissed, he wrapped his hand around and placed it on the small of my back, pulling my hips so that they were against his. My breasts pressed against his lower ribs as he towered at least a foot over me.

                Stepping back only to breathe and remove clothing, Bjorn held his eyes on me the entire time aside from when his shirt covered his orbs. When I felt the piercing stare of his blue eyes on me again, he grabbed my hips, pulling me close to his body. With his help, I got my legs around his waist and felt his member slide into me. A surge of pleasure consumed me and for a moment, I felt blind to everything except Bjorn and myself. Within a second, it all rushed back to me. Him freeing me, him kissing me, him saving me, Bellamy and Raven…

                Bellamy and Raven.

                I felt a few tears slip from my eyes, but threw my head back to shield them from Bjorn’s gaze. The man had his hands on my ass, holding me up with ease as he lifted and lowered me onto his member. My nails dug into his strong, muscular back and I pressed my breasts against him. The pressure between us and the tension was so heated, rough, carnal. There was nothing between us but lust, our bodies moving perfectly as Bjorn took almost full control of our actions.

                He knelt down just as I was beginning to feel my climax, and kept my legs wrapped around him. From this new angle he was able to use his hips to increase the intensity of his thrusts, and hold me even closer. Both arms were wrapped around my small frame, holding me flush against his skin. My lips found his neck and I began to nip and kiss, leaving a small trail of faint hickeys that would fade by the end of the night. Though, I did leave one that would last a week on his collar bone.

                I lolled my head back and cried out as Bjorn finished me off, allowing me to complete my orgasm to the point where I could hardly breathe, before he allowed himself to follow suit. A gasp from his lips followed by a seductive groan gave me shivers. He held me there for a moment, resting his forehead on my shoulder, our sweat giving us both chills in the autumn wind.

                I crawled off of him, looking at his perfect, strong body. I had no shame in being completely entranced by his looks alone. His blue eyes, piercing as ever, seemed to have softened, which was not what I had expected. To be honest, I had thought he would leave now that he had gotten his dues.

                “What were they?” I asked, grabbing my blood stained clothes and wondering what to do with them. I was wearing my bra and panties, but everything else needed a good wash.

                “Outlaws.” He said, “As violent and twisted as Reapers, but with the cunning mind as us. Exiled from their people, cast out.”

                “Like Murphy.” I said lightly.

                He nodded, “Except not so… pitiful.”

                I had to laugh; Murphy was a sad sight. “I thought they were Reapers.”

                “No.” He shook his head, “Reapers would not speak to you; they have a shrill shriek, black eyes, claws for nails… You would not have survived them.”

                “Thank you.” I said, hanging up my wet clothes to dry in what remained of the sun.

                “You do not need to thank me for killing Outlaws, or saving you.”

                “You have no obligation to save me.” I told him, “I came out here to find you, hoping that you wouldn’t want me dead for… well, for the bridge.”

                “Anya does.” He said, “Our leader, Tristan too.”

                “How much time do my people have?” I asked, “To either prepare or to leave?”

                “Another night, maybe.” He told me with almost sad eyes.

                “Then I must leave.” I said, then heard a noise in the forest behind me; Bjorn has his bow out in a millisecond.

                What now?

I am very curious to see who hates me for this chapter and who loves me (I know who loves me haha *cough* Christina *cough*). But hey, to all of you who are boohooing about Bjorn, it is my story. Understand that I cannot simply follow the bland story line and just add my character; I have to add other characters and other scenes that make my character more developed, as well as the story itself. Gif on the side made me die. 

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