RM - Seoul

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I do not own this! 

My only reaction: 


Now I'm not sure If the people I see tomorrow will be happy but I'll probably be screaming 'If love and hate are the same words, I love you Seoul, If love and hate are the same words, I hate you Seoul. ' again and again and what do you know? Again.

I love how neat the lyrics are, like I'm just pointing that out, it was hella neat. Anyway, it is what? 1:01am and I'm still posting shit. Oh well! 

Anyways gotta admit I loved it way too much. When I first got into the video I was like 'What's going on?' I wasn't sure but I'm glad I didn't doubt this dude! Like how did these guys have enough time to do this? Multiple video clips of what I assume to be Seoul. Must of taken a lot of time... and I mean ALOT!

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