This does not belong to me in any shape or form. This all belongs to the KPOP Group BTS I am merely stating my opinion on it. I am not going to be using the video I will be using pictures from said video. Enjoy
So my first thought was: 'Woah, this is different from their normal music.' Not in a bad way of course. As soon as I saw their hair colours I had a HeArT AtTaCk! I mean... Look at this:
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PiNk HaIr!? Pink Hair! I swear everyone must of died secretly or something.
This just made him ten times more good-looking than normal. It was a really nice hair colour on him aswell! I hope to see it more in the future :D
Anyway as they got to the further in, my mind was blown. It was simply amazing. Like I'm not a voice coach but damn they're good.
THE CHORUS.. the flipping chorus. I lost it. Now I'm not sure if this is what they're trying say but what I got is:
Love yourself no matter what.
Tell me if I'm wrong but these guys are the definition of: