Why me? (Chapter3!)

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I was on my bunk laying upside down on the phone with Bella. 

                [PHONE CONVO]

 Bolded letters=Ashley     Italic=Bella 

"Ashley!! I miss you like crazy!! Dance itsn't that fun anymore."

"I miss you too Bells. Anyone at dance mention me?"

"Maranda said that she should be the one on tour with Justin not you. And then everyone else keep on saying they miss you."

Awee! They miss me? How cute. haha. Maranda needs to stop thinking about herself. But who cares im living my dream."  

"So hows Justin?"

Him? Uhh.. So annoying. Hes such a douche. he goes after every girl he sees. To bad im not gonna fall for his trap.

"He already hit on you?"


"Maybe hes different."  

I heard someone talking to me. "Hey babe." I turn around to see Justin.

"Speak of the devil." I brought my attention back to Bella.

"Hes there?"

"Mhmm."  The line went quiet for a second and i heard Bella scream. I pulled the phone away from my ear.


"Bella. Relax. Hes nothing special believe me." He grabbed my hand pulling me off the bunk so i was standing in front of him. "Bells ill talk to you later. Love you. Tell James i said i miss and love him."

Bye girll love you too." With that i hung up


I looked up at Justin. "What!?" I was clearly mad. I mean i was on the phone with my bestie and he just so happens to annoy me.

He pulled my by my waist so our stomaches were touching. I rolled my eyes. He started to tickle up and down my arm. I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back.

"Hey. Hey. Now be nice." He pulled me back in is arms and i unlatched them and walked out into the living room. I sat next to Lily.

"Hey lily. Hey meg." I smiled.

"Ashely we were thinking about go to the club tonight." Lily said sweetly.

"You in?" Chaz asked looking at me.

"Sure! When?" I asked.

"Well we were going to go to Lobster House in like and hour or so then afterwords hit the club." Ryan said looking at everyone. "Is that cool with you guys?"

"Yea sure!" I smiled and meg. and Lily nodded yes.

Megan stood up and grabbed my hand "Well lets get ready girls."   We went back into the room and picked out our outfits. I went into the bathroom and changed into (>>>>>>>>>>THAT OUTFIT TO THE SIDE>>>> EXCEPT THE SHIRT DOESNT SHOW HER STOMACHE. )

I parted my straight brown hair to the side and put on hoop earings and some lip gloss that shimmered followed by mascara and eyeliner to bring out my bright blue eyes.

I walked back into the bunk room where Megan and Lily were already. "Wow. WOW! Ashley you look hot!" Megan said with her jaw droped. "Agreed! Boys will be all over you all night!" Lily commented.

"Thanks!" I smiled bright. "But believe me you girl look amazing!" I hugged them and we walked back out into the living room.

Ryans face dropped and his jaw hung open. Chaz was drooling over me too. "hott!" Ryan said closeing his mouth. Chaz hit his shoulder. "Ashely you look Beautiful." Chaz smiled. "Thanks guys" I smiled brightly.

Just put his arm around my waist and pulled me close. "Hey cutie." He said smirking. Omg. just someone get this kid away from me. 

I pulled away as we scatered off the bus and towrds the club. Excitment ran through me.


Short i know...but it fine i guess at least its something! (: Hope you like.

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