Get him away from me. (Chapter 4!)

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CHAPPIE 4!! (:


We had finished dinner and were out towards the club. Music bounced off the walls. There were people dancing on the dance floor. It was a really nice club. I grabbed Megan and Lilys arms. "Come on i love this song!" We walked through crowds and onto the dance floor.

Chaz, Ryan and Justin came on the dance floor next to us with Pepsis in their hands. They werent drinkers. I stopped dancing. "Hey Ryan and Chaz. Justin." I said. "just wanted to see what you lovely ladies were up to." Chaz stated.

"Dude this soda taste like orange juice." Ryan held up his cup infront of my face. Me and the girls just laughed. "You are something Ryan." I said as i started to dance again.

I felt two hands rap around my waist from behind and swaying me to the music. I turned around to see Justin. I unlatched his arms from around me and went next to Lily and danced. "Annoying you again?" Lily asked over the loud music and people talking.

"You bet. He cant keep his hands off of my for 5minuets!" I said while swaing to the upbeat music that was blairing from the speakers. "Im thirsty. You guys want anything?" I asked Lily and Megan. 

"Yea ill come." Megan said walking with me to the bar. 

"What can i get you girls?" The girl behind the bar asked. Just as she asked a girl with shots on a tray walked by. Megan grabbed two and handed me one. I just smiled and shot my head back drinking the alcohol. 

"WooooW!" I said as it gave me a twisted face. "Another?" Megan asked. 

Before we knew it  i was slammed!! WOOOW! I swear the room was spinning! OHH LOOK A UNICORN!! 

"Hey. Im Jackson." The boy about my age said standing infront of me. "Ashleyyy." I sleered. I grabbed his coller and crashed my lips onto his. He kissed back immediately. "He he hee." I heard Megan giggle. We were both wasted to the max.


"Dude." I hit Ryans shoulder. "Hmm.." He said looking at me. "Haha.. Ashleys wasted!" I thought it was just hilariouse. Ryan looked over as he saw her and some dude let go from their kiss. "wow." He smiled. "Wasted." He said looking at me. 

Then we look back over at her as she was about to punch a girl in her face. I ran to her and grabbed her from behind pulling her away. "Come on guys lets go before Ashely kills someone." Everyone folloed behind.

"cary me." Ashely sleered poking my shoulder. I sighed and picked her up bridal style and walked out. She started laughing out of no where. "Megannnn." She called out as i smelled the alcohol on her breath. "Megannn! lookkk." She said pointing to me. "Is this Justin Beaver?" She was still pointing to me. 

Megan nodded yes. Ashely swung he arms around my neck. "HAHA! Im being carried by Justin Bieber."  She caressed my cheek. I looked at Ryan and he shrugged then i looked at Chaz and he burst out laughing.

"Take that Belieber!!" She said as i put her down and lead her to the car. When we got in she put her for head in the crook of my neck. "Hey guys..aren't we going to the club??" She asked

"Ashleyyy. They dont love us. Lets go our selfs." Megan sleered. "Yeaa." Ashely stood but trying to get out of the car. I sat her back down. "Ashley we already went to the club." I said to her.

"opps-y!" She said and grabbed ryans hand putting it on her thigh.

As we were walking to the tour bus Ashley and Megan feel about 100 times before we got in. They would just fall and laugh at themselves. they were so wasted. I helped Ashely on the bus and Lily brought the to drunkies to their beds.


I woke up in the morning and when i sat up i got really dizzy. My head was banging. I got up to get water and allmost tripped as the room was spinning. I got changed out of my clothes from last night putting on P.Js 


I walked out into the living room to see evryone on the couches. I rubbed my head and got some water.

" head is killing me." I said sitting on lilys lap because there was no other room on the couches. Justin and Ryan laughed. I shot them a death glar.

"Aparently you and me were wasted and went into loony ville when we left the club." Megan said. "What?!"

"yea you got wasted kissed some random guy, was about to smash your fist into some chicks face, made Justin carry you to the car and when he was you kept on saying 'MARRY ME JUSTIN MARRY ME!'" Ryan said. 

"WHAT!?" I asked mad of course.

"Im kidding dont get you panties in a twist. You didnt say that to Justin but you did make him carry you and kept on asking if he was Justin Beieber. When you got in the car you and Mega were asking when we were going ot the club. It was hilariouse." Ryan said laughing.

"Yea. So funny. Im rolling on the floor laughing." I said sarcastically. I got up and was walking back into the bed room. "Im going back to bed." I went into the room and snuggled under the blankets.

I was almost falling asleep when i could feel someone staring at me. I opend my eyes to see Justins face right there stairing at me. "Yes!?" I barked.

"Relax babe i just came to cuddle." He said trying to get into the bed. "Not happenng." I pushed him away.

"You gotta get up we are checking into a hotel in an hour. Theb us kids are going bowling." He said pulling off the covers. I got up and pushed him out of the way going into the bathroom and getting changed into


I Brushed my brown hair out and put on lip gloss and mascara. 



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