Sweet yet Bitter day 💕

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You ever just had a day where you get extremely happy and all, like to the point with where your mood brightens up and you get so happy that it's hard to explain and you're giggling, smiling, and somewhat teary eyed like you never have been before?

And then something shitty has to fucking happen after and fuck that over?

Exactly what had happened to me today. Something shitty just had to happen around the time I just had to feel so god damn happy.

To any of my friends reading this, please. Do not ask me about this. Stuff is just going on that I can not share with anyone and stuff since I don't want to speak about it or anything and I can't anyways.

Just know this..

The situation that I am in doesn't concern my safety or anything like that. So I'm going to be fine.

I'm just not going to be active at all tomorrow probably and rarely be on for a bit due to this situation,

And on Friday there is a chance that I might have to leave around the late afternoon or night time depending on it and I'm not going to come back for a few days, a week, or maybe even more than a week probably.

Which really makes me pissed off, upset, and really sad since I was just so happy on this day.

All I have to say is..

-Please do not worry about me, I'm going to be safe and everything.

-I'm going to eventually come back but I'm not going to be gone for too long for sure.

And..Even if this shit had to happen on the day that I got happy..

Just know that even if that happened I'm still happy, fuck I even feel like complete shit right now but at the same time I'm just so happy about this day and I'm still gonna smile about it.

And I'm so sorry that I won't be able to really talk at all much, but know that I'm gonna be back. And that I'm gonna keep my head up high and I'm going to stay happy from remembering this day 💙

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