Chapter 3

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The practice room was filled with music that afternoon and it wasn't long until their first break for a quick snack. "You know, school was terrible today. I should've just came straight to your studio..." Gwen complained as they grabbed at whatever edible item was laid before them. She clearly didn't look to happy with her decision as she munched on a piece of an apple slice to show her displeasure.

"Oh, you're just being dramatic... I'm sure there are some good things about school buried in the bad." Sonya's positive view was quickly brushed off as Gwen silently stared and rose a brow. It was all just bad to her and she hated the fact that it existed. Actually, she wasn't sure whether she hated "school" or just couldn't bear with the people and all the piled up work surrounding her.

"Sonya... I hate to say, but you are so very wrong," she murmured. "There's really nothing good about the place for me especially when you're stuck with... not so great people nearly everyday." That much her friend could understand for she was stuck with someone she couldn't bear to work with in her career as well. In fact it was so understandable, she decided to give Gwen a good punch in the arm.

"Ow, hey--"

"Saying things like that would clearly make you think things negatively. I mean, I understand where you're coming from and I wouldn't say that you aren't all that wrong," she replied with a straight face. It wasn't long until her grin came breaking through once again to lessen the tension in the room. "Gloom and doom they say if you continue shunning on everything."

The pink haired girl groan in pain as she rubbed her arm to seize the throbbing sensation that happened to build up slowly over time. The singer was right; if she kept moping about her problems they'll only com haunt her again much to her dismay, but she didn't want to be near people like Luna and her... side buds.

"You didn't need to punch me so hard!"

At least she snapped out of her thoughts now that she was focusing on the pain that she was just given not to long ago.

"I guess the advice was much appreciated..." she thought.

"Hey, have you ever thought about the stage life?"

With a quizzical look from Gwen a quiet "huh" escaped from the back of her throat when all she meant to do was to shake her head in response. It was quickly caught by the musician's superb hearing even though her voice was so soft to begin with. "Did I catch your interest?"

"What? No."

"Oh come on, you have talent and it's a waste not being able to share that talent, don't you think?"

Right again she was. Oh how she hated it when Sonya tries to bait her in to join her up in the lime light once in a blue moon. "I'm not that great... And wait, isn't helping you good enough? My so called talent is being collaborated with yours, so it's a win-win situation without the need of me being suddenly swarmed by people."

"Well, yeah, but you have the looks and the talent!"

"No I don't," she thought.

Gwen and Sonya continued to stare at each other as their battle about whether the girl should start dressing in skirts and dresses was a good thing or not began starting with the awkward silence. Sonya was smiling happily as she waited for her reply, but Gwen's face said otherwise.

"I dress like a slob and I don't like wearing short skirts of any kind," responded Gwen. "I mean it. I prefer these baggy clothes to one-- cover myself-- and two-- feel comfortable. It's like... as gross as it sounds, a second skin..."

Hearing that reasoning kind of made Gwen twist her face in disgust whilst Sonya rose her brow trying to register whatever was just said right into the nucleus of her brain. What was she, a shedding amphibian that collects the shells of whatever she just shed? Sounds about right.

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