Chapter 1

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So as promised, I will be rewriting my stories and also updating it when I get the chance to. My first story to rewrite is The Start and I hope you enjoy it as much as the older version! I will be keeping that one up until I catch up with the updates, by then you have the decision of whether I delete The Start or keep it up as for memories' sake. Honestly, I'm debating whether to remove the guest characters or not because I can't write other people's characters as well as my own...

In this story, I will use the English names, fix and change up tons of mistakes and plots as well as give Gwen a more well-rounded personality and biography. Her profile is currently waiting to be rewritten entirely on . Please be patient with me because I am a full time college student who also draws as a hobby, take care of housework, go to work, take care of a dog, and have major issues with depression and anxiety that often come and go. Thank you so much for showing interest in The Start and I hope Wave Guardians will as well.



The weather was clear and warm, a perfect day to head out and go traveling for days, weeks, and even months. Not many were heading out for a trip, however. Why? School was about to start!

"Behave and take care of yourself alright, honey?" The gentle motherly tone in her voice lingered through Gwen's ears as the young pink haired girl watch her mother, the older woman walk out the door with a suit case and some bags in hand. The rest of her needed belongings were already stashed away neatly in the trunk of her car with her daughter's help.

"Mhm," the girl hummed as she waved. "Take care, Mom!"

A worried smile graced upon Mrs. Starr's lips as she looked at her own daughter waving at her to leave. It wasn't her first time leaving the girl at home herself thus knowing she was capable of taking care of herself through experience, but it still worried her all the same.

"If your father was still here you would still have company..." she commented.

Gwen laughed a bit, masking her disappointment-- she didn't know much about her father at all. "You know that's never going to happen. He's probably way too busy. The plane will be taking off without you soon, so you should head out now."

Mrs. Starr quickly glanced at her watch, registering the time she had left to get to the airport. Sighing, she gave a quick peck onto Gwen's forehead and smiled brightly. "Remember to call me when you can and especially when you need to, alright? And it's almost time for school, so go get ready, Gwen. I can spare some time to drop you off early."

Hearing the words ring curses through her head, Gwen cringed at the word "school" and shook her head. "How about I see you off at the airport instead?"

"Gwen, you have school today. I want you to return to school on time and well behaved. Remember when the principal decided to suspend you--"

An exasperated sigh interrupted her mother mid-sentence before she opened her mouth to counter what the woman was going to say. She hated it when the topic was brought up, but she needed to bear with it.

"Mom, I didn't do anything wrong. Another student was being bullied and I thought to try and stop it," murmured the girl. "It was obvious that the bully would lie to get out of it."

With her bitter comment ending her defense, Gwen trudged away to go get changed into her usual clothes that didn't really fit her the right way. It didn't matter to her since it was more than comfortable to wear.

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