Chapter 8

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I get up and leave the office, the narrator doesn't follow and continues to stay with Stanley. I know what I'm going to do. I go through the left door and up the stairs, through the boss's office and down the lift. I walk along the metal path to the door that led to the mind control room. I turn left. The hallway to escape is long and gruelling as I run, Stanley's handkerchief falls out of my pocket as I run. At the end I see a hole, with no care I jump down it, my eyes close tight as I fall. I land in a metal bucket and look around, slowly getting led towards two large metal crushers. My breath hitches as I hear a voice.

"Hello (Y/N)." It was feminine, however it wasn't a calming voice, it sent chills down my spine. It was then I noticed the difference between her chilling voice and the narrator's warm laugh. I felt myself wanting to go back.

"W-who are you?" I ask shakily as I'm pulled even closer to my death.

"That's not what's important. I have a question for you." I watch as the chair in front of me gets crushed into a thin sheet, then I'm pulled in between the crusher.

"W-what?" I ask, out of breath.

"How did you get here?" I have no time to answer as the metal jaws close in, my eyes clamp shut. However I feel no pain. When my eyes open I see the wall had stopped, the sides of the bucket I was in has been pushed and split under the pressure. "I think I want you alive, for now." The floor of my bucket opens and I fall again.

Then everything went black.

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