The moment I woke up, my hand automatically went to my head. A hangover, I recognized. Being all to familiar with the feeling in the past. I'm not drinking as much anymore since Amelia was born. Feeling more responsible and only letting myself get wasted when I could. Though even than I didn't always drink as much. I wasn't feeling the need to as much anymore. But last night I did. Lou and I had went out and even though I knew I shouldn't drink much, I let it got out of control. I was weak, letting my nerves get the best of me and grabbed to the bottle. Which was the stupidest thing I could do. Shit, it could have disastrous consequences. You see today we were meeting three possible surrogate mothers. The three me and Niall had carefully selected out of all the files we received and that had been a hell of a lot. Today was finally the day we would choose the mother of Niall's child, of our child. It was something that made me very happy, but more so incredible nervous. Scared I would somehow screw I up, scare them away. So what did I do to deal with it? I got myself drunk the night before, so I'd have a hangover when I met them. Now that would make a great first expression. Mature Harry, real mature, I complemented myself. How could you be so fucking stupid. Niall will never forgive you, if you screw this up.
My little leprechaun was so excited for today. He could hardly wait for our little family to expand. I couldn't let him down now. Determined I got out of bed. Ignoring the throbbing in my head as I got into the bathroom and under the shower.
15 minutes later I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Finding Niall and Amelia there, eating breakfast. “Good morning” I greeted, acting like I nothing was wrong, like I didn't have a massive hangover. Trying not to frown at how hoarse my voice sounded.
“Morning daddy” Amelia happily said. Giving me a big grin as I kissed her head.
“Hello princess. How are you?” I asked, making my voice sound very official. Which made her giggle as she said 'good'.
Smiling I turned to Niall who was sitting besides her. “Morning babe” I said. Leaning in to kiss him, but he turned his head so my lips met his cheek instead. I swallowed, I should have known he would see right through my act. He knew me to well, for me to fool him.
Still I acted like nothing was wrong as I grabbed some bread and put it in the toaster, than I grabbed some eggs, breaking them in the pan. Before pouring myself a cup of coffee. Hoping it would help a bit against my headache as the aspirin I took earlier hadn't kicked in yet.
“Come on sweetheart, eat up. We have to leave soon” Niall told Amelia. Wait, what? Leave? We were free this morning, right? Than suddenly it dawned me, we had a radio interview later this morning. Shit I completely forgot about that. I really needed to get my act together now.
“Is Jessie coming?” Amelia asked. Jessie was our 46 year old nanny, who lived in a separated part of our house with her husband when we needed her much. But if we were home a lot like right now, they went home. It gave both them and us a little more privacy.
“No sweety, you're going to aunty Dani today.” I heard Niall tell her.
“Will uncle Li Li be there too?” Amelia asked curiously, excitingly. Her beautiful green eyes twinkling as she asked about her favorite uncle. She loved all her uncles, but Liam somehow got a special place in her heart. The other boys just couldn't compete against that, it was simply impossible.
“Well he'll has to go with you're papa and I to the interview first, but he'll be there later. So you'll have all afternoon with him” I told her and she clapped her hands happily. It made me smile to see her like that.
Grabbing a plate I put my toast and eggs on it and sat down, next to my lover and across of my lover and partner. Who was still ignoring me, but I acted like I didn't notice me. So I started eating. Meanwhile I listened to my daughters happy babbling, oblivious to the tension between her papa and me. Which I was guess was a good thing. I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable, even if she had no idea what was going on.
* * * * *
An hour later we had left Amelia with Danielle, at her and Liam's house. She was so enthusiastic that she barely had time to give Niall and me a goodbye kiss. Smiling I walked back to the car. “Harry, you go sit in the back” Niall instructed. Immediately my first response was to object, but I didn't. Knowing better than to against Niall right now, so I nodded and did as he told me. Ignoring the frowning Liam. I got in and put my seat-belt on, before resting my head against the cool glass of the window, closing my eyes.
“What's going on?” I heard Liam ask as the they too got in the car.
“Harry is hangover” Niall informed him. Anger clear in his voice now, as he no longer had to pretend for Amelia's sake anymore. It cut through me like a knife, making me feel even more miserable than I already was. Nor did I have to see the disapproving and disappointed on Liam's face to feel deeply ashamed. I knew I fucked up, big time. So I deserved it all, I'm well aware of that. But god help me I would do everything to make it right again. Do everything in my power to let those conversations with the surrogate mothers of our choice go as smooth as possible. I would be on my best behavior, doing everything so no one would notice my hangover. I couldn't, wouldn't let my Nialler more down than I already did. Not today of all days.
A/N: I'm trying to bring a little drama into the boys life, after all no relationship goes without trouble and arguments. So what do you think? Leave a comment and/or vote please xx

a Life Changing Night (a Narry Storan story)
FanfictionHarry became a single parent at 18. Lucky for him Niall is there and willing to help him. Now 3 years later they are together and ready to expend their family, but will things go as smoothly as planned?