chapter 9

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A/N: So sorry it took so long! Life is freaking busy atm. I got school and I'm nearing the end of my internship while i still have to do a few things and i still have to make a few extra hours for the once that i missed while being sick. But enough about that. I finally bring you chapter 9 as i thank all of you who have voted and commented on the story, THANK YOU! This chapter is basically a filler one, preventing the story from making massive jumps forward in time between chapters. Still i hope you all enjoy it :)

Completely exhausted I let myself fall onto the sofa in our living room. Being glad that I was finally home and knowing that tomorrow was our day off. Something I was really looking forward to, because the past week had been a pretty stressful one. Starting with Amelia getting sick with the flu at the beginning of the week. Making it extra hard to leave her every day. Sure Jessie was there to take care of her, it was her job as my daughter nanny after all, but it just didn't feel right to leave Am. So Niall and I had tried to be home as much as possible. Both of us feeling the need to be there for our little girl. Besides this was only the third time she was sick. She had had a slight infection when she was still a baby, last year she had had the chicken-pox and now the flu.

Thankfully it turned out to be only a mild form of the flu and Amelia was almost completely better after 4 days. Niall and I both had thought it was enough excitement for the week, but we were wrong, because the next day we got a call from Deborah. She had pretty bad news. Well not necessarily bad, but more disappointing news. She had done a pregnancy test earlier that day and it had turned out negative. Meaning she wasn't pregnant and the first insemination had failed. It was a huge downer, but I had been well aware that it was a possibility, that she wouldn't conceive straight away. So I had peace with it. Niall on the other had had taken the news harder. He was very disappointed and even went as far as blaming himself for it. Thinking it was because his sperm wasn't good enough. That he wasn't man enough for it. Which was completely ridiculous of course and I had told him that. But he didn't believe me, or at least not at first. It had taken a lot of talking with and into him, to get him to see that too and to get the idea out of his head, well almost.

On top of all that we still had business concerning the band. Having to do interviews, 1 song performances and signings. But now we could finally enjoy some free time.

I groaned as suddenly a weight fell on top my stomach. Startled I opened my eyes, but relaxed when they met with the beautiful sight of Amelia sitting on top of my stomach. Her laughter reaches my ears, making me smile. “Hey there baby girl, whatcha doing?”I asked. Noticing how her eyes sparkled joyfully.

“Playing” she answered, giving me a toothy grin. Jumping up and down a bit, making me wince. Sure we wasn't really that heavy and I could carry her easily, but having her jump around on top of me was a whole other story. Making me aware that even though she was only a little girl, she still was weighing a couple of kilo's.

“Am hunny, be careful not to crush daddy.” Niall's amused voice sounded, coming from somewhere behind the sofa.

“I won't” Amelia promised, giving Niall who now walked into my eyesight a cute little pout.

Niall hummed and moved over to lay beside me. As I was once again grateful that we had bought a sofa as big as ours. We had already spent countless time snuggled up on it. Lazy watching a movie or just talking, going over our day.

Our eyes met for a moment and for a while we just lay there in silence. My eyes soon focused on my daughter, who was playing with the buttons of my shirt.

“The clinic called earlier” Niall's soft Irish voice broke the silence. “I need to come in next week.”

Surprised I turned my head to look at him. “Already?”

The blond nodded. “Yeah the need my....” His eyes darted to Am who was now lying on my chest . “You know.” He gestured down to his crotch with his hand and I nodded. “They are gonna try again the week after, so yeah.”

“That's cool. Didn't expect they would do it again so soon though, but I'm glad.” Kissing the blond on his nose. Chuckling softly when I way him wrinkling it.

Too soon his face turned serious again however. “You thing it will work this time?” he asked. Looking at me expectantly. I instantly knew what he wanted, for me to tell him that everything would be alright. And I wanted to do so, I really did, but I couldn't. I couldn't lie to him. Of course I too hoped that it would work time time, that Deborah would conceive, but I didn't want to give him false hope. It wouldn't be fair and he would be crushed once more if it failed again. “I don't know babe” I told him honestly. “I sure hope so, but I can't say. This is something we can't force. But I do know that when the time is right it will happen.”

Disappointment clouded Niall's blue eyes as he bit his lip. Still he nodded. “I know it's something we can't force, but...... I don't know. I guess I just want it so badly and now the first time failed.....” he paused, looking down and avoiding eye contact. “I guess I got a little scared that it won't work at all, you know.”

Hugging him with one arm, I nuzzled his neck and pressed a kiss on his ear. “Nothing to worry about sweetheart. It will work, we just don't know when. So we have to be patient and let nature do her magic.”

Again he nodded, but I knew he wasn't completely convinced. It was something he needed time for to get over and I would be there for him to talk to and support him. But right now wasn't really the time to talk about it. Not with our daughter here with us. Even if she was completely focused on what was happening on the television screen and not on us. Wait when did that thing turn on? So I thought it was best to change the subject to something even more exciting, our wedding? “Have you thought about a date yet?” I asked him.

“You mean for our wedding?” I nodded. “No, not really. Have you?”

“A little. I want the date to be special, meaningful, but can't think of a good one yet?” I told him.

“I don't want something like the date of when we first got together or kissed or something though” Niall said and I nodded in agreement. Finding it a bit too ordinary myself. “But don't worry we'll think of something” Niall told me, giving me a bright smile as he planted his lips on mine for a kiss. Than he bend down give Am a kiss on her head. It made the little girl look up at him with her mesmerizing green eyes. Where mine like too? A small smile playing on her lips.

“Love you papa.” I grinned at I heard that, warmth filling my heart and looking at the smile on Niall's face I knew it was doing the same to him. Reminding me that even though things aren't completely the way we wanted it as we didn't have a date for our wedding yet nor a second child on the way, we still were a family. One that I loved very much.

 A/N: Any of you have an idea for a wedding date. If got a few in mind, but I'm open for suggestions! Anyways i hope you liked the chapter, let my now by commenting and voting please xx M

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