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"uh.. wow.." Stefani said slowly processing everything i just told her
"how did you know i was gay?" i asked remembering her asking me if Lauren was a friend or girlfriend
"i could just tell" she said, shrugging. "do you like her?" she asked
i shrugged "i mean i guess"
"no no, what do you mean you guess? its either yes or no" she said slightly shoving me
"i don't know! i mean i had a huge crush on her for so long but then i thought she outed me and i started to hate her but.."
"buuuuut, you do like her" she emphasized.
i rolled my eyes, "whatever"
"cmon you do!"
"fine, i do just don't say anything!"
"no promises" she said smirking
"your gonna tell Demi aren't you?"
she nodded smiling, "yup"
i sighed "of course you are"
"you should invite Lauren over for dinner tomorrow"  she suggested
"why? so she can see you burn chicken?" i said
"no! demi is gonna cook and-"
"demi is gonna be here too? you two are just gonna embarrass me!"
"cmon, invite her! ill let her spend the night" she said wiggling her eyebrows "but no sex" she scolded
"jesus! i haven't even invited her over for dinner much less ask her to have sex with me"
she gave me a look.
"fine! ill ask her at school tomorrow, i'm going to bed" i said getting up
"but you slept all afternoon?" she said confused
"yeah well i'm tired again" i said dramatically as i stomped up the stairs.
i went into my room and shut the door behind me.
i grabbed my phone and called Ashley.
"hello?" she asked
"hey what are you up too?" i asked
"nothing, why?"
"well i've got some shit to tell you" i said
within seconds my phone started beeping indicating that she wanted to FaceTime.
"really?" i asked once i answered
"yes! now spill" she said getting comfortable on her bed.
i rolled my eyes, "Lauren came over"
"don't tell me you let that bitch in" she said
"actually Stefani let her in, it is her house and well, i talked to her" i said slowly
"sam, she outed you when you weren't ready how could you forgive her?"
"because it wasn't even her, Normani was the one who outed me. we talked and said both our sides of the story, it makes sense, it was never her Ash."
i explained the whole story to her and once i was done she pondered for a minute.
"i guess it does make sense" she said still thinking
"i'm still not gonna trust her a hundred percent Ash, but i wont be a bitch anymore"
"yeah i get you, ill accept it but if that bitch messes-"
"whoa chill out there, i get it" i said stopping her
she laughed. "okay well its kinda late. we should sleep, goodnight sam"
"night ash" i said hanging up.

~~ the next morning ~~

i woke up an hour earlier than i was supposed but couldn't find in me to go back to sleep.
i showered and got dressed. Once i was finished i went downstairs and was met with Stefani.
"hey why are you up so early?" she asked
"couldnt sleep anymore" i said shrugging my shoulders
"want some breakfast? theres cereal, or i could make some eggs for you?" she offered
"ill just eat cereal" i said grabbing a bowl from the cabnet. i served myself and stared eating. just as i was halfway done there was knocking at the door.
"ill get it" stefani said.
she walked back in and when she did lauren was right behind her.
"hey" she said "was wondering if you wanted a ride to school?" she asked holding up her keys.
i looked at stef and she nodded.
"sure" i said getting up. i put my bowl in the sink and grabbed my backpack.
"see you later" i said as i walked out.
we drove in silence for a while still Lauren spoke up.
"how you holding up?" she asked
"what do you mean?"
"cmon sam, i know what happened" she said
"i dunno how to feel" i started "just numb i guess"
"do you miss her?"
"yeah, more than anything" i said looking down at my hands, fiddling with my fingers.
she placed a hand on top of mine, making me look at her. her eyes were fixed on the road, but she spoke anyway. "im here for you. always sam"
i held her hand in silence and just looked out the window.
once we got closer to school i noticed that she didnt slow down.
"uh lauren? schools back that way" i said looking back and she passed the school
"i know"
"oh my god" i breathed out "your kidnapping me arent you?" i asked dramatically
she started laughing "oh cmon on sam, before you thought i outed you we used to skip school all the time together, remember?" she said
"yeah.." i said slowly remembering "so whats the place this time?" i asked
"beach" she said simply
"dont we need i dunno... bathing suits?"
"dont worry, i got that all planned out." she said slightly squeezing my hand.
"you planned out everything?" i asked suprised
"yeah, i missed you" she stated keeping her eyes focused on the road.
i didnt say anything back, just starred out the window still holding her hand.
After about five more minutes we finally reached the beach.
"ready?" she asked looking at me
"as ever" i said opening the car door stepping out.
she walked over to her trunk and opened it revealing an ice chest, and a duffel bag.
"whats in the bag?" i asked
"clothes" she said simply before she opened it.
she grabbed a handful of items and passed them to me.
she grabbed some clothes for her then closed her trunk.
"restroom's are over here" she said taking the lead.
i followed her and we walked into a restroom. we each went into a stall and got dressed.
we headed back to the beach on silence. we came to a stop and she unwrapped a towel and placed it on the sand.
"this spot okay?" she asked
i nodded and sat down on the towel. she took and seat next to me, and let out a sigh.
"what?" i asked
"i missed the beach"
"havent been here in a while?" i asked turning to look at her.
"no, not since the last time we came" she said
"that was almost a yeat ago" i said
"i couldnt bring myself to come to any of the places we used to visit all the time."
"why not?"
"i missed you, and i couldnt stand the thought that you hated me"
"i didnt hate you laur, i just..." i paused trying to make up the sentence in my head.
"you just, what?" she asked now looking at me.
"i just hated what i thought you did" i stated shrugging my shoulders looking down.
"im sorry" she said lowly.
i looked back up at her and she had a sad look on her face. "for what?"
"all that shit that happened between us, i feel like its my fault" she said now looking down.
i scooted closer to her and wrapped my arm around her. "its no ones fault but Normani and her minions fault, dont blame yourself laur."
"do you ever wonder about us?" she asked after a moment
"what exactly about us?" i asked
"what we couldve been if i just had the balls to ask you out instead of asking other people if you were gay"
"how did you not know though?" i asked chuckling a bit "we used too... you know..." i added slowly
she covered her face, "god it was stupid, i dont know... i just... i thought maybe you were faking and.."
"and what?" i asked a bit sarcastically "that i was, 'experimenting'" i air quoted
"kinda..?" she said slowly, chuckling nervously
i sighed, "i cant say i blame you"
"i know it was stupid, it was just that dumb little voice in my head that questioned things. im so sorry" she said looking at me sadly.
"its fine laur, i get it. ive been in that same position too" i said giving her a weak smile.
"why dont we go for a swim?" i asked starting to get up
she chuckled "sure"
"race you" i said stepping back slowly
"hey wait-" she started, but i cut her off running
"thats not fair!" she said yelling from behind me.
i ran into the water and then turned around and saw her not to far running towards me.
"youre an asshole" she said as she finally reached me
before i answered a wave hit me, pushing me forward towards lauren.
instantly she grabbed me. "easy there my love"
i grabbed onto her shoulders, as i caught my breath. "that scared the fuck out of me"
"sam, we are in the ocean what did you expect?" she said laughing
i rolled my eyes, "so your love huh?"
"oh.. uh, i-" she started letting me go.
"relax..." i said taking a pause, "my love" i finished smirking
her face instantly got red, "i didnt mean too i just uh-"
"whatever you say laur"

A/N: part 2 coming soon :)

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