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after a few hours i grabbed my phone and checked the time.
"we should head out now" i stated getting lauren's attention.
"lets get back into our old clothes first"
after we got dressed in the restrooms again we made it back to her car and headed back to my house.
as she was driving i spoke up. "you got any plans tonight?" i asked
"no, why?"
"wanna have dinner and spend the night with me?"
"uh- i- really?" she asked alittle baffled.
"your asking like if youve never before" i said laughing
"it was different before!" she defended
"how so?" i asked
"your mom was never around so it made it easier to just go over and spend nights with you. now your living with a cop and i dunno, its different" she said once again.
"well if it helps, me staying with her is only temporary"
"why do you say that?" she asked taking a glance at me before looking back to the road.
"well the social worker said he was gonna look for a family that wouldnt mind a 18 year old."
she nodded. not saying anything after.
"so?" i asked
"i'd love too" she said


we finally arrived home and we stepped in. the house was weirdly quiet. no noise. not even tv.
"this feel weird" i said as we stepped inside.
"its not usually this quiet?" she asked
i shook my head as we walked into the kitchen. Demi and Stefani were both standing in the kicten.
Stef looked at me and sighed. she walked over to me, "can we talk alone?"
"uh yeah" i said slowly
"lauren honey, stay here okay?"
"yeah of course" she said taking Stefani's place.
"lets talk in my room" she said as we started walking up the stairs.
"is something wrong? does it have to do with my mom?"
she sighed as we walked into her room. she shut the door, "no it's not that"
she ran her fingers through her hair before speaking. "why were you at the beach?"
"uh, what?"
"oh dont tell me your gonna lie" she said raising her eyebrow
"im not, no- i-" i paused, pondering before saying "but how do you know?"
"i have a tracker on your phone." she stated simply
"what the fu- why?" i said furrowing my eyebrows.
"look; im not trying to run your life i just wanna protect you while your under my roof"
"protect me from what?" i asked
"he could still be after you sam. you cant tell me that, that hasn't crossed your mind"
i looked down but nodded my head.
"listen, when i was in high school i used to skip all the time, i hated school, so i get it." she said placing her hand on my shoulder, which made me look up at her. "im not mad that you did it, just tell me next time. what if i hadnt had the tracker and he did take you and i thought you were at school? how could i have helped you then?" she added, asking.
"youre right i know, im sorry Stef."
she hugged me "dont worry about it, just communicate with me okay?"
she let go of me but grabbed my shoulders and look at me. "so she said yes huh?"
"well yes" i said chuckling
"how was the beach with her?" she asked
"good, i didn't realize how much i missed her till today"
she put her hand over her heart and pouted, "thats so cute oh my god; young love i miss it"
i just rolled my eyes "youre weird"
"your not anymore normal" she said smirking "now, lets go back down there and have dinner"


once we were settled, halfway through dinner i saw demi giving me looks, then Stef, then me again.
'whats her problem?' i thought
finally she looked at me again, and i had it.
"whats up demi? something on my face?" i asked raising my eyebrow at her.
instantly Stefani and Lauren stopped laughing and talking and looked directly at us.
Stef looked back and fourth at us confused. "something going on?" she asked
"i just cant see this anymore" Demi stated dropping her napkin on the table.
lauren placed her hand on my knee giving me a squeeze.
"see what?" Stef asked scoffing a bit.
"this!" she said waving her hands towards me and stef.
"your getting waaaaay to comfortable with each other" she said making a face.
"excuse me?" i asked starting to get up from my chair.
Stef raised her hand at me signaling me to stop. "go to your room, take lauren with you"
"fuck no, im-"
"now!" she yelled
i flinched and lauren grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the stairs. "lead the way" she stated nervously
i let out a sigh and walked up the stairs, lauren following closely behind me.
we made it up to my room and lauren closed the door shut behind her.
- - - - -
*Stefani's POV*
once i heard her door shut i looked at demi. "what the fuck is your problem?"
"i already told you, you two are getting too comfortable with each other."
"what the hell is that supposed to mean?" i asked rasing my voice
"your not her mother Stef, your making her stay seem like it's permanent, shes gonna get used to you and so are you. and when she has to leave your gonna end up broken once again and-"
"shut up demi. this is not at all what this is. yes i am trying to make her comfortable while she is here because i dont want things to be awkward in here. she deserves to feel comfortable because of everything that happened to her, have some fucking sympathy." i took a deep breath before adding "your a cop you should know better"
she sighed and looked down. "im sorry, i just dont want anyone getting hurt here. shes still a kid and your still vulnerable."
"just get out demi." i said running my fingers through my hair
"but, i-"
"demi please"
she took a deep breath and got up. once i heard the door shut i let a few tears fall. 'is she right?' i thought.
- - - - -
*my POV*
"wanna talk about it?" lauren asked breaking the silence
"i dunno" i mumbled "its just weird"
"weird how?" she asked
"why demi is being so cold all of a sudden."
"honestly i think shes just looking out for stefani in some way, maybe"
"or maybe she just doesnt like me" i said shrugging "which i kinda dont get"
"Why not?"
"she was so nice to me the day, when they got me out of that house" i said, thinking back to that day.
"but then again my mom just died and i was almost kidnapped, what other choice did she have than to be nice to me?" i added
before lauren could say anything Stefani interrupted saying "shes not always like that, i think shes just worried about me and thats something we dont need to get into ok?"
me and lauren both jumped, before relaxing and saying "oh"
"anyway" Stefani said clearing her throat. "wanna go to the store and buy some snacks?"
me and lauren glanced at each other and then nodded.
"lets go"

A/N: sorry this sucks 🤧

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