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We didn't say anything after that. I got up and stretched, I clicked and nearly immediately Pine got up. "Where are you going?" asked Psycho. "Training" I responded hopping onto Pine's back. Psy nodded and me and Pine raced away. We went back to the lake. We slowly made our way around. It wasn't a big lake but big enough, it will take a while. Once I made it to the other side I frose. Seeing the tracks of a large Spino the only problem...they were heading the way I came... I felt a warm blow of air behind us. Pine was ahead of me and started running. The Spinosaurus roared and chased after us. "Come On Pine We Can Make It!!!" Pine let out a roar and started to run raster and leapt over a fallen tree that the Spinosaurus bursted through. "Pine!" He started to slow from exhaustion. I hopped off and held my axe ready to defend. Pine let out another call before his head fell as he passed out from exhaustion. My heart sunk as the Spinosaurus closed the gap between us.

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