Agent Canary (With Kids)

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Sara's POV

"Mom! Chandler stole my straighteners again!" Our eleven year old son, Justice called from his bathroom.

"No I didn't!" Chandler called.

"Chandler if you give them back now you won't get in trouble." I said from the kitchen where I was getting breakfast ready for them. Alex walked out of the bedroom with Miracle, our three year old daughter. Then Justice came downstairs with curly hair.

"Trying a new look Justice?" Alex joked.

"This is your fault. You were the one who had curly hair!" He yelled. This was a normal day in the Lance-Danvers house.

"Justice calm down. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times it came from my grandma who started the curly hair mess." Alex said.

"Why can't I wear gel in my hair to cover the curls?" He asked.

"Because remember the last time you tried to use gel?" She said.

"I will never forget that. It took seven showers." He said and Chandler came downstairs. Justice is Alex's, Chandler is mine, and Miracle is adopted. It's really funny because Justice straightens his hair and Chandler curls her hair.

"Mommy when do I go to school?" Miracle asked.

"In two years." I said holding up two fingers.

"Is that a long time?" She asked.

"No." Chandler called from the table. I picked Miracle up and put him at the table. At our house we don't eat cereal for breakfast like normal families. I make a whole breakfast. Like this morning I made pancakes from scratch.

"Mamma why do you all have blonde or brown hair and I have orange hair?" Miracle asked. We looked at each other because we haven't told Miracle she's adopted.

"Because that's how you were born." Alex said.

"Then why-"

"Okay you two need to get to school." I cut in before she said anything that we couldn't answer. Alex had to get to work too. I kissed her goodbye and went to take the kids to school. Getting the kids to school is probably one of the hardest things to do everyday. Justice went to public school whilst Chandler was being home-schooled by Barry along with Barry and Iris' daughter Nora. When we got home, Miracle wanted to watch cartoons but they're went any on. So I put some home movies on instead. Then I got a call from Justice's school.


"Is this the guardian of Justice Lance-Danvers?"

"Yes. Is there a problem?"

"Yes. Would it be too much to ask for you to come down to the school?"

"No problem at all."

"Thank you." I hung up and went to his school. In the principle's office I saw Justice sitting there. It looked like he had been crying. I sat down in one of the chairs.

"Mrs Lance-Danvers, the reason we have called you down here is because there was an incident that happened at lunch." The principal said.

"I didn't even do anything!" Justice protested.

"At lunch today, Justice was showing excessive amounts of PDA in the hallways." He said. I was confused because Justice hates showing PDA. He got that from Alex.

"So what exactly happened?" I asked.

"I literally gave him a kiss before going to class." Justice said. Justice isn't one to lie.

"Do you have a recording?" I asked.

"In fact we do." He said and showed me a video recording of exactly what Justice said.

"So Justice was telling the truth?" I said getting upset.

"Did you not see that?" He said.

"No I did. Does this have anything to do with him kissing a boy?"

"Mom please no. Can we just forget about this and move on?" Justice said.

"No! Why are you saying that he was showing excessive amounts of PDA? Cause I'm pretty sure when I walked in I saw a couple making out against the lockers for more than a minute. But you know what? It was a boy and a girl so that makes it okay right?" I said getting mad.

"Mrs Lance-Danvers please calm down." The principal said.

"Mom can we please just go home?" Justice said.

"Fine. Come on." I said. Justice carried a sleeping Miracle and we walked out of the school.

"Do we have to tell Mamma?" Justice asked.

"I'll deal with it since I know she doesn't take this stuff well." I said.

"Yeah. Mom, do you think Uncle Barry would be okay with home schooling me? I don't want to ever go back to that school." Justice asked.

"I'm sure your Uncle Barry wouldn't mind. He and your Aunt Iris love you. Me, your mamma, Uncle Barry, Aunt Iris, Uncle Oliver, Aunt Felicity and Aunt Kara will always support you know matter what. I love you baby boy." I said before holding him close.

"I love you too mom."

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