Superflash Family

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Kara's POV-

I was rubbing my heavily pregnant stomach, waiting for Barry to get home, when I heard a small voice.

"Mommy? When's Daddy coming home?" Our 4 year old son Henry asked. Barry had gone on a mission with Oliver, Dinah, Rene, Curtis, Cisco and Caitlin four days ago and non of them had returned home yet.

"I'm sure he'll be back home soon baby. Come here and cuddle with Mommy." Henry climbed on the sofa and snuggled against my side. Just then I heard a loud whoosh and saw my husband standing before us in his suit.

"Daddy!" Henry ran forward and Barry scooped him up in his arms before he could hit the floor.

"Hey slugger. Have you been good for your Mommy?" Barry asked before coming over and kissing me and my bump.

"He's been perfect. He's been helping me finish the nursery." I said smiling at my husband and son.

"I can't wait to meet our little girl." Barry and I were going to wait till the baby was born to know the gender but we couldn't wait any longer.

"Only a couple more weeks till she's here." 

"Come on Henry, time for bed." Barry said, taking our son to his room. Every night Barry read to Henry and sang him to sleep. I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

Barry returned to the living room 10 minutes later and sat down next to me.

"How did the mission go?" I asked Barry.

"Well it seems like the Reverse Flash is gone for good but we thought that last time and look what happened. He went after the Legends."

"Well I'm just happy your home. I've missed you so much." I said before kissing him.

"I missed you too honey. Alex has told me you have had a lot of back pain during these last couple of days so I've ran you a bath to help ease the pain."

"Awe baby. You didn't have to do that but thank you. I'm so lucky to have an amazing husband like you."

"I'm the lucky one beautiful. Now go and get in the bath whilst I check on Henry. I'll meet you in the bedroom when your done." He said before kissing me and went to check on our little boy. Barry is an amazing husband and father. I couldn't wish for anyone better to spend the rest of my life with.

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