The First Time - Olivarry

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Oliver's POV - 

"Papa!" I heard from the hallway, I looked over at Barry.

"I'll be right back." I whispered giving him a kiss on the cheek. We were watching a movie with our son, Robbie, when it happened. I met her in the hallway.

She was about as tall as my torso, the doctor said that she was pretty much done growing, very different from Barry and I. She had skin a little lighter than Barry's and her hair was black and curly. I could see some of the mascara she was wearing was smeared on her face.

"What's wrong Charlie?" I asked with a reassuring smile, she had a nervous look on her face.

"Umm...never mind." Her face was bright red and she looked down at her feet.

"Sweetie, you know you can tell me anything." I said cupping her face looking into her green eyes.

"I... got my... thing." She mumbled avoiding my gaze.

"You're what?" I frowned.

"My thing." She started to bite her nails, a trait she had picked up from Barry. I couldn't seem to think what she was talking about, what thing?

I could feel the shock settle over my face. I knew she was growing up fast, but I didn't think it was this fast.

"Oh." I said quietly. "You mean your... p-" I couldn't bring myself to say it. "Period." I let go of a breath, her face went redder.

"Yeah." Her breathing picked up.

"Hey, don't freak out it's fine, I know what to do." I smiled and she nodded. "Just wait here, I'm going to tell your dad."

"Okay." She mumbled.

I walked calmly to Barry... until I was out of Charlie's sight. Then I pretty much ran to him.

"Bar..Bar...Bar!" I said quietly getting to him.

"What? What's wrong?" He said looking back and forth between my eyes.

"Charlie got it." I said gripping his shoulders.

"Got what?" His face twisted in confusion.

"It." I said, ,my eyes blown wide, his were too.

"The...the woman thing?!" He asked frantically, his voice going up an octave.

"With the blood?!" I nodded not able to get any words out. Robbie walked up to us.

"What's wrong with Charlie?" He asked, he was only five, so he wasn't going to understand even if we explained it to him.

"Um...nothing, she's a little sick right now. Papa and I are going to have a talk, so keep watching your movie." Barry smiled a little at Rob.

It was crazy how much he looked like me, he had light brown hair and blue eyes. Although he acted more like Barry. He was watching a Disney movie after all. He nodded and walked back to the living room. We changed location to the kitchen.

You see, when Barry and I were adopting, we were very weary about a girl. Neither of us had dated girls, and when we did the relationship never lasted long enough for us to even talk about getting their period. Even if we both had sisters, Thea and Iris, we still had very little clue about female problems.

"What do we do?!" I asked running my hands through my hair. "Call Cecile?" I suggested.

"No! That would be her grandma! We can't ask her!" Barry frowned.

"Then who do we call?!" I yelled frantically. We both thought for a moment.

"Ghostbusters!" I shouted singing along to the song. Barry gave me a you're-an-idiot-look. 

"Oliver, can you not be a five year old right now, this is serious!"

"Thea!" Barry smiled, he looked like a scientist that had just struck a breakthrough. Which, to be fair, was a great idea. I grabbed my phone and went to her contact information.

"Hi Ollie!" I heard over the phone.

"Hey Thea, you're on speaker by the way, so we can't talk crap about Barry like we usually do." Barry gave me another you're-an-idiot look.

"Okay." She laughed. "What's up?" She asked.

"We have a slight issue." Barry cut in.

"Charlie got her...period." I mumbled.

"And we don't know what to do...and you're a woman so...what do we do?" Barry asked nervously, there was a pause on the line.

"Oh my god, my poor niece, I'll be over in like...five minutes." Thea hung up the phone before we could say thank you.

"Do you think she'll be mad at us?" Barry asked worriedly.

"We'll see." I sighed and we walked into Charlie's room.

I knocked on the door and it immediately opened.

"Did you find out what to do?" She asked with crimson cheeks.

"Well...we...called Thea." Barry said sheepishly. He face made it look like she'd seen a ghost.

"Why would you do that?!" She said looking betrayed.

"Well neither of us are women honey, so we didn't really know what to do." I winced, she rolled her eyes.

"Will she at least be here soon?" She asked.

"Yeah she'll be here in like two minutes." Barry said reassuring her.

"Okay, I'll be in my room then." And with that Charlie slammed the door in our faces.

"Well, shit." Barry sighed.

"Language, Bartholomew!" I said slapping him on the arm as we started walking back.

"You know, this is where she gets here potty mouth from." I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Yeah, yeah. It's okay, we have Robbie, he can be the innocent one." He shrugged walking back, I rolled my eyes as I followed him.

We were met with Thea walking in the door.

"Where is she?" She asked immediately, she had some bags in her hands, but I didn't need to know what was in those.

"Bedroom." I pointed, she immediately followed my finger. She talked to Charlie as Barry and I spent time with Robbie.

Thea came and sat next to us. "She's good now, you should go talk to her, I'll take care of him." She smiled. "And she doesn't mind that I came over, I just said that you two are idiotic guys that don't understand women even though you both have sisters."

"Thanks Thea." I smiled.

I followed Barry to her bedroom, the door was open.

"Hey Charlie." Barry smiled at her, she gave a weak smile back.

"Hey dads." She was staring down at her feet from her desk.

"Congrats on being a woman I guess?" I broke the silence and Barry rolled his eyes.

"You're terrible at this." He pointed out, Charlie laughed.

"I don't see you doing much better." He narrowed his eyes.

"I think you guys are doing fine mostly." She shrugged as she scrolled through her computer.

"We both love you so much Charlie and so do your aunts Thea and Iris. If you ever need to talk about anything but don't want to talk to us talk to your aunts." Barry said as we wrapped our arms around Charlie before we left her alone again and met Thea back in the living room. She stood up. "You don't have to do much expect for keeping an eye on her packages in the bottom drawer, if you notice they're empty, get new ones." She shrugged.

"Thanks Thea." Barry and I smiled.

She left and we sat on the couch watching Robbie play with his action figures.

"14 and 5, our little kids are growing up fast." I sighed.

"I say we get another one." I looked over at Barry, he had a wistful smile on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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