T H R E E - We Meet . . Again

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Samira Indika-Khan

Love your enemies. Do good to those who curse you. Pray for those who mistreat you. If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also.

Luke 6:27-28

Friday 26th October, 11:11PM

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Friday 26th October, 11:11PM

Broadwater Farm Estate, Tottenham, North London

* *

Born and raised inna' London. See, fakes get around where I come from. Me no trust them, me love no one. The stupid sound of my stupid phone ringing caused me to open my eyes. I growled, annoyed at the fact some tomfool happened to disturb my beautiful dream - one way or another. It was always, always when he was just about to teach me a lesson! Leaning up on one elbow, I answered the call - not even in the mood to check for the Caller ID this time.

"What? For fucks sake." Kissing my teeth, I grunted.

Whoever it was on the other end of the phone just continued to breathe down the line, before I heard them chuckle. "Ah, say swear that's how you're chatting to me."

I huffed, them chuckling at my situation got me even more vexed. "Yup. Who's this?"

"Samira." He gasped as though he couldn't believe it. "You don't 'member your own brother's voice now, no?"

"Eish, forgive me!" Laughing, I pushed a stray curl out of my face. "Yo, Zach. How are you? How's your holiday been? Why've you not called, or gotten me the plantain chips, waffles, and gold tooth that you said you would!"

"I done told you, I'm not getting you no gold toot'. Do you wanna' be a Jamaican Auntie?" Zachariah chuffed, laughing at his own joke.

I rolled my eyes; everyone always had to comment on my wanting of a gold tooth, apparently I'd appear 'even more ghetto-er than I already did'. "Look at the time though, Mira." I just about heard him half-say, as he told me this in the midst of a yawn.

"Why?" I fought back.

"Cause' I said so. Maybe if you listen to me like the good little sister I know you are? I'll have second thoughts about grabbing you that gold tooth you won't stop banging on about."

From the very moment I heard him ramble something about possibly getting me that gold tooth, I shot up. Propping one arm up beneath my chin, I glanced down at the time on my phone. "Um, it's 1:56 in the afternoon, sir." I muttered the time much quieter than I should have for a reason. 1:56? I was supposed to have been in college ages ago. 6 hours ago, to be extremely precise!

"Mm." He hummed. Here it comes . . "Why ain't you in college then?"

"Came home kinda' late." I said with a roll of my eyes as I flopped down onto the pillow.

"Late?" He repeated. "From where?" He asked. I didn't bother answer, since I knew exactly what kind of thoughts were rushing through his mind. And I didn't like them. Whatever he thought  -  whatever he had heard I'd done? I surely hadn't.

"Why'd you hit home late?" He growled, lowering his voice.

How could I tell him where I had been? And what had happened? The real reason I came home late was because I missed my stop, speaking with that guy on the bus caused me to lose consciousness of everything around me.

Including how over the top Zachariah could get. But the boy approached me - and the look in his eyes just made me risk it all - the way he spoke, and bopped over to me was as though he knew what he had over me. Power. I missed that stop? Because I wanted to.

But now, I was deeply regretting that.

"Lemme' tell you now, I got eyes and ears all over London. You feel me?" Zach warned, snickering though nothing was funny. "So you . . keep on doing whatever bullshit you're doing, init. Cause Imma' find out. And when I do? Shit ain't gonna' end well for you."

"Is that a threat?" I yawned, growing bored. He needed to know that not one of the threats he sent had the capability of scaring me. "Are you done?" I asked, just ready to hang up.

"No." Zachariah spluttered. "All I'm saying is, lemme' hear about you. Make me hear you're chatting to a man? And you're finished."

"Wow." Even though my heart stopped, I remained unphased. "Come back to me when you've found your flipping mind, yeah?" And with that, I cut the call.


"Yo, caramel darling lemme' grab your snap!" As soon as I stepped foot out of the black cab, a boy jeered. He had one arm stretched out whilst he wagged his little finger at me, begging me come. 

I laughed; every single time I made an attempt to visit JCR Global - my favorite Chinese buffet place, it just so happened that this same guy would be present, posted outside the store on his black bike as he tried to make movements with me. When would he ever give it a rest?

"I think I've caught chlamydia,  can't lie." My eyes widened in complete shock once I heard his associate say that. But just as though I hadn't even heard a thing, I blinked twice to calm myself down and proceeded to getting out the money I'd need for whatever I wanted from my purse. Their sex life was not my business.

"Hold up. Don't move for me!" He screeched, now leaping off of his bike.

" . .Like I was saying," The walking sexually transmitted disease ran a hand over his face. "I done catched chlamydia. You know what's mad? I ain't even fucked that many bitches. Only like 73, wait or was it even 173? Eish lemme' count. Smashed Angel, gave Jezebel the willy wonker, shoved the big black felt tip up Femi-"

"I beg you shut the fuck up, bro bro." Turning to his right, and lifting up a finger to his friend that had been talking as if to say - give me one minute - the boy stalked in my direction. I don't know why I listened when he told me to stop walking, but it couldn't be that bad, could it? I thought, watching him bop with steady steps until he finally reached me. 

"What you doing out on the roads at these kinda' times, though?" He smirked, revealing one deep dimple that settled on the right side of his cheek.

A U T H O R S   N O T E

Hm, things are getting juicer, isn't it. What was your favorite part?

Do you like the sound of this character so far? Or would you prefer if bus boy made a sexy & spectacular surprise appearance to our dear friend, Samira?

Comment whatever you'd prefer, and I'll do that for you. 


Mandem are gonna get rude to Samira. But it's cool, cause' daddy will fuck them up for it, hehe!

The quicker you comment, the quicker that crazy chapter will be with you. Simply smash 6+ votes and 30+ comments on this for me.

- nina 

I'm upping the number by a likkle bit every time, if you ain't realised. But I think it's worth it. All you need to do is comment once or twice, and you'll recieve a chapter that'll have your hearts burning.

Buy a bottle of Gaviscon before part two is unleashed. You're gonna need that.

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