Trapped with the Dursleys - Chapter One

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Harry looked up from the letter and gulped.

"You didn't tell us you weren't allowed magic outside school," said Uncle Vernon, a mad gleam dancing in his eyes. "Forgot to mention it... slipped your mind, I dare say...'

He was bearing down on Harry like a great bulldog, all his teeth bared. "Well I've got news for you boy... I'm locking you up... you're never going back to that school... never... and if you try to magic yourself out – they'll expel you!"

And laughing like a maniac, he dragged Harry back upstairs.


Harry's stomach badly rumbled, and he grasped what was left of it with his hands. Before, the Dursley's gave him a slightly lower, but pretty average meal size, with fear that he'd hex them if they hadn't. But now, they were slowly giving him less food every day, and the drastic change was having an effect on his body.

He groaned in pain, as his stomach growled a second time. Hedwig squawked from her cage, and Harry looked dully at her.

"I'm sorry, but I can't give you any food right now." He told her. She hooted sadly, and turned so she was facing the window. Harry sighed, and let her out of the cage. Two days ago, the Dursley's gave in to Hedwig's constant screeches from being trapped in the cage, so they allowed the cage to be opened. When Harry tried to escape when they opened the door however – left him with no food that night.

The bars stopped Hedwig from leaving the house, but she was able to fly around Harry's room, and for the moment she was content with just that. It had been five days. Harry got up, and walked over to his makeshift calendar, made with a single sheet of paper and a bent pencil he found in the corner of the room – it wouldn't be good to lose time as well.

He crossed off the day 'Thursday' as he marked it on the calendar, while watching the sun set. Tomorrow would be Friday. Harry sighed, as he watched the sun vanish, feeling all of his hopes slowly etch away. At this point, he would consider giving up Hogwarts just to have a decent meal, he was so hungry.

His mind drifted back to the 'house-elf' thing that visited him almost a week ago – was his name Nobby? Harry imagined this 'Nobby' creature would be having a laugh at him now. He wanted Harry to be safe? And yet he'd prefer Harry to be starving to death rather than at Hogwarts with a full stomach and teachers fully able to protect him. It didn't make much sense.

Aunt Petunia shoved a plate with two carrots on it through the flap, and Harry shot across the room to snatch them both. Aunt Petunia immediately took the plate, and pushed a bottle of water through the flap, which Harry instantly grabbed.

Restraining himself to not wolf down the food and drink immediately, he walked over to Hedwig's cage, and filled a small dirty dish with water. He broke apart one of the carrots into small pieces with his hands, and left them in the dusty cage for Hedwig. He took the other carrot and what remained of the water, and sat on his bed, hearing it squeak underneath him as he got into a somewhat-comfortable position.

He silently ate his carrot (which is incredibly difficult) and lay on his bed trying to get some sleep, his stomach still beating him from the inside, demanding food. Unable to fulfil his stomach's request, he lay in bed for several hours, malnourished and in pain, before he finally succumbed to sleep, missing the owl which flew past his window at midnight, a letter in it's claw.

You may be thinking: You just started a new fanfic, on HTTYD! Why start this one? I've been wanting to for a while, and it never left my head. So, I decided as a birthday treat (Not today, 7th Nov, in two weeks) I'd start making this fanfic. I know it's small, but it's the opening chap! It's important that people get introduced to it first - and also, it works well ending here, it fits better.

The HTTYD fanfic will take priority of course, as more people voted for it in the comment poll, but I will try to update this at least once every 2 weeks, and if it has to extend the deadline, I'll let you know with the 'Conversations' tab on my Profile Page.

I hope you enjoyed the first chap, and don't worry – there's more to come!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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